Stationary star skybox 3D

This shader separates the skybox sphere into sections of roughly similar area. Then it draws a star in each section to obtain a uniform distribution of stars.

Shader code
shader_type sky;

uniform int vertical_sections = 21;
uniform float star_size = 0.02;
uniform float star_falloff = 4.;
uniform float margin = 0.05; // How far the star is from the edge of it's section. Avoids artifacts at the edge of sections.

vec2 get_partition(vec2 sky_coords) {
	// Separate the sphere into sections of roughly equal width and height.
	float y = sky_coords.y * 2. - 1.;
	float section_y = ceil(abs(y) * float(vertical_sections)) / float(vertical_sections);
	float horizontal_sections = max(4., ceil(float(vertical_sections) * 4. * cos(section_y * PI / 2.)));
	horizontal_sections = horizontal_sections > 0. ? horizontal_sections : 1.;
	return vec2(sky_coords.x * horizontal_sections, y * float(vertical_sections));

vec2 rand_vec2(vec2 xy) {
    float rand1 = fract(sin(dot(xy, vec2(11.9131, 81.2317))) *  57183.77193);
    float rand2 = fract(sin(dot(xy, vec2(16.8131, 91.2327))) *  37113.66193);
	return vec2(rand1, rand2) * ( 1. - margin * 2.) + margin;

float star_brightness(vec2 sky_coords) {
	vec2 partitions = get_partition(sky_coords);
	vec2 partition_index = floor(partitions);
	vec2 inner_coord = fract(partitions);
	vec2 star_coord = rand_vec2(partition_index);
	float dist = length(inner_coord - star_coord);
	return pow(star_size / dist, star_falloff);

void sky() {
	COLOR = vec3(star_brightness(SKY_COORDS));
efficient, simple, Stars
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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