Stylized/Galaxy Clouds

For making the spiral shape with a particle shader, the color gradient is a seperate piece of code

Tutorial for implementation is here:

Shader code
shader_type particles;

uniform float angular_spacing = 0.5;
uniform float outward_amt = 3;
uniform float min_cloud_size = 0.03;
uniform float max_cloud_size = 1.0;

float rand_from_seed(in uint seed) {
  int k;
  int s = int(seed);
  if (s == 0)
    s = 305420679;
  k = s / 127773;
  s = 16807 * (s - k * 127773) - 2836 * k;
  if (s >; uint(16)) ^ x) * uint(73244475);
  x = ((x >> uint(16)) ^ x) * uint(73244475);
  x = (x >> uint(16)) ^ x;
  return x;

void vertex(){
	if (RESTART){
		//create some random seeds
		uint alt_seed_1 = hash(uint(INDEX) + uint(1) + RANDOM_SEED);
		uint alt_seed_2 = hash(uint(INDEX) + uint(27) + RANDOM_SEED);
		uint alt_seed_3 = hash(uint(INDEX) + uint(43) + RANDOM_SEED);
		//position clouds in spiral
		float pt_index = float(INDEX) + rand_from_seed(alt_seed_1);
		pt_index = sqrt(pt_index);
		float x = outward_amt*pt_index*cos(angular_spacing*pt_index + 3.142 * float(sign(INDEX%2-1)));
		float y = rand_from_seed(alt_seed_2);
		float z = outward_amt*pt_index*sin(angular_spacing*pt_index + 3.142 * float(sign(INDEX%2-1)));
		TRANSFORM[3].xyz = vec3(x,y,z);
		float scale = mix(min_cloud_size,max_cloud_size,1.0-pow(rand_from_seed(alt_seed_3),2));
		TRANSFORM[0].x *= scale;
		TRANSFORM[1].y *= scale;
		TRANSFORM[2].z *= scale;
clouds, galaxy, particles, spiral
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

Related shaders

Galaxy Shader

Stylized Sky Shader With Clouds For Godot 4

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3 years ago

I mean pssshhh yeah thats cool and all but can you make bullet trails in 5 mins?

Jk I love your videos dude 😀