This simple shader allows swirling a sprite on itself. In its current state, it only works on stand-alone sprites. Don’t try to use an atlas with the rect selection.
- ratio : from 1 (unmodified) to 0 (totally folded)
- power : Speed of retraction. Determine at which pace the sprite will be disappearing to the center.
- min_speed : swirling speed at the border.
- max_speed : swirling speed near the center.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform float ratio : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.1;
uniform float power = 3.0;
uniform float min_speed = 10.0;
uniform float max_speed = 90.0;
void fragment() {
vec2 uv = UV;
uv *= 2.0;
uv -= vec2(1.0);
float len = length(uv);
float rspeed = mix(max_speed, min_speed, len);
float sinx = sin((1. - ratio) * rspeed);
float cosx = cos((1. - ratio) * rspeed);
vec2 trs = uv * mat2(vec2(cosx, sinx), vec2(-sinx, cosx));
trs /= pow(ratio, power);
trs += vec2(1.0);
trs /= 2.;
if(trs.x > 1. || trs.x < 0. || trs.y > 1. || trs.y < 0.) {
// Prevent sprite leaking.
COLOR = vec4(0.);
} else {
vec4 col = texture(TEXTURE, trs);
COLOR = col;