Texture population using Texture
Hey this is Hei!
Have you ever wanted to play Bad Apple using only godot icons? Well look no more. With this shader you can use any texture to populate another, even video-texture! Includes a few extra knobs to improve the results, such as blur, brightness, negative-value etc. Use to your hearts content.
This shader was created to use alongside videoplayer-node, but works with any node that pass their source-texture (TEXTURE) to fragment. The shader first pixelates the source-texture by snapping uv_coordinates to a grid and then draws provided cell texture in the cell with either the source-textures value or color as modifiers.
All necessary info including configuration and prerequisites is included in the shader.
Cover image source: Touhou Bad Apple!! (I do not know the original)
Screenshot source: Pantsu Shot – SECRET | ORIGINAL ANIMATION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIDPWVPaxN4
Shader code
// Texture pixelate shader written in Godot 3.3.2.
// Made by Hei and distributed under MIT-license.
// Hey this is Hei! I'll hope you put this shader to good use. <3
// Example gd-script can be found as a comment at the bottom.
// 1. attach to a node with TEXTURE (VideoPlayer used as example).
// 2. cell_texture must be set.
// 3. rect_size must be set by hand or from script (see example).
// 4. blur requires enabling mipmaps (and filtering) (see example).
// 1. It is possible to further optimize this shader especially
// when using cell_sizes of power 2.
// 2. Odd numbered cell_sizes may or may not cause visual artifacts.
// 3. Blur amount is a bit hacky and great amounts may result in artifacts.
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec2 rect_size = vec2(1024, 600);
// Changes the "pixelation". Size limits aren't necessary.
// By default uses square shape but can be be changed to vec2 for rectangles.
uniform float cell_size : hint_range(2, 64) = 16.0;
// Texture of the cell/pixel
uniform sampler2D cell_texture : hint_black;
// Reverses value. Mainly when used with cutoff
uniform bool reverse = false;
// Snaps the value to either 0 or 1 based on the cutoff_value
uniform bool cutoff = false;
uniform float cutoff_value : hint_range(0, 1) = 0.5;
// Enabling desaturates the cell_texture and uses the color from TEXTURE.
// Disabling will use the cell_textures color.
uniform bool colored = true;
// Extra brightness. Useful when the albedo texture is dark.
uniform float brightness : hint_range(0, 2) = 1.0;
// Adds colored corners to the albedo. Not necessary to work
uniform float corner_size : hint_range(0, 1) = 0.2;
uniform vec4 corner_color : hint_color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// Blur is based on the texture mipmaps (downscaled versions of the texture)
// and is therefore quite fast (and accurate when cell_size is a power of 2.)
uniform float blur_amount : hint_range(0, 1) = 0.5;
void fragment() {
vec2 cell_scale = cell_size / rect_size;
vec2 coord = UV / cell_scale;
vec2 uv = fract(coord);
// To disable corners alltogether, remove following line and if statement.
vec2 dis = abs(uv - 0.5);
if (dis.x + dis.y > 1.0 - corner_size) {
COLOR = corner_color;
else {
// Snaps uv to nearest cells corner and offsets it to cell center
vec2 source_uv = (floor(coord) + 0.5) * cell_scale;
float mipmap = ceil(log2(cell_size) * blur_amount);
vec3 source = textureLod(TEXTURE, source_uv, mipmap).rgb;
float sat = (source.r +source.g +source.b) / 3.0;
if (reverse) sat = 1.0 - sat;
if (cutoff) sat = step(cutoff_value, sat);
if (colored) {
// Desaturates albedo and uses source saturation
vec3 cell = texture(cell_texture, uv).rgb;
vec3 grey_scale = vec3((cell.r + cell.g + cell.b) / 3.0);
COLOR = vec4(grey_scale * source * brightness, 1.0);
else {
COLOR = vec4(texture(cell_texture, uv).rgb * sat * brightness, 1.0);
// EXAMPLE gd-script on video-player (Godot version 3.2.2)
//extends VideoPlayer
//func _ready() -> void:
// # Not the most elegant way but it works.
// var flags : = Texture.FLAG_VIDEO_SURFACE
// flags += Texture.FLAG_MIPMAPS
// flags += Texture.FLAG_FILTER
// get_video_texture().set_flags(flags)
// # Connecting the signal will automatically handle shader resizing.
// connect("resized", self, "on_resize")
// on_resize()
// play()
//func on_resize() -> void:
// material.set_shader_param("rect_size", rect_size)