The Best Darn Grid Shader (Yet) for Godot
Copy of shader from this cool guy!)
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
uniform int scale_0 : hint_range(1, 1024, 1);
uniform int scale_1 : hint_range(1, 1024, 1);
uniform float line_scale_0 : hint_range(0.001, 1, 0.001);
uniform float line_scale_1 : hint_range(0.001, 1, 0.001);
uniform vec4 color_0 : source_color;
uniform vec4 color_1 : source_color;
float pristineGrid( vec2 uv, vec2 lineWidth)
vec2 ddx = dFdx(uv);
vec2 ddy = dFdy(uv);
vec2 uvDeriv = vec2(length(vec2(ddx.x, ddy.x)), length(vec2(ddx.y, ddy.y)));
bvec2 invertLine = bvec2(lineWidth.x > 0.5, lineWidth.y > 0.5);
vec2 targetWidth = vec2(
invertLine.x ? 1.0 - lineWidth.x : lineWidth.x,
invertLine.y ? 1.0 - lineWidth.y : lineWidth.y
vec2 drawWidth = clamp(targetWidth, uvDeriv, vec2(0.5));
vec2 lineAA = uvDeriv * 1.5;
vec2 gridUV = abs(fract(uv) * 2.0 - 1.0);
gridUV.x = invertLine.x ? gridUV.x : 1.0 - gridUV.x;
gridUV.y = invertLine.y ? gridUV.y : 1.0 - gridUV.y;
vec2 grid2 = smoothstep(drawWidth + lineAA, drawWidth - lineAA, gridUV);
grid2 *= clamp(targetWidth / drawWidth, 0.0, 1.0);
grid2 = mix(grid2, targetWidth, clamp(uvDeriv * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0));
grid2.x = invertLine.x ? 1.0 - grid2.x : grid2.x;
grid2.y = invertLine.y ? 1.0 - grid2.y : grid2.y;
return mix(grid2.x, 1.0, grid2.y);
void vertex()
//UV = VERTEX.xz;
void fragment()
vec3 grid_0 = vec3(pristineGrid(UV * float(scale_0), vec2(line_scale_0)));
vec3 grid_1 = vec3(pristineGrid(UV * float(scale_1), vec2(line_scale_1)));
vec3 grid_3 = mix(grid_1 * color_1.rgb, grid_0 * color_0.rgb, grid_0);
ALBEDO = grid_3;
could you upload the complete godot project?
I added ability to set a background color, as well as alpha channel.
This makes the shader great, background color and alpha channel is much-needed. Though the peak improvement would be a 5×4 grid having lines match 5×4 instead of 5×5 or 4×4
A 5×4 grid, has lines matching 5×5 or 4×4 feelsbadman