TreeIt tree shader
Godot Spatial shader for use with tree models generated in TreeIt. To work properly two global shader uniforms should be defined in project settings (explained in code).
Shader code
// This shader is my spin on the TreeIt shader, it's simplified and modified to work without
// any form of noise textures/fbm functions, and with variable alpha clip threshold.
// Could be used as a trunk/leaf shader interchangeably.
// Original TreeIt shader by EVOLVED Software
// Modified by eight-b-six
// MIT License
shader_type spatial;
render_mode blend_mix,depth_draw_opaque,cull_disabled,diffuse_burley,specular_schlick_ggx;
uniform vec4 albedo : source_color = vec4(1.0);
uniform vec4 backlight_color: source_color = vec4(1.0);
uniform sampler2D texture_albedo : source_color,filter_linear_mipmap_anisotropic,repeat_enable;
uniform sampler2D texture_backlight : source_color,filter_linear_mipmap_anisotropic,repeat_enable;
// in my workflow, roughness is stored as an alpha channel in normalmap texture
uniform sampler2D texture_normal : hint_roughness_normal,filter_linear_mipmap_anisotropic,repeat_enable;
//uniform sampler2D texture_roughness : hint_roughness_r,filter_linear_mipmap_anisotropic,repeat_enable;
uniform vec2 uv1_scale = vec2(1.0);
uniform vec2 uv1_offset;
uniform vec2 uv2_scale = vec2(1.0);
uniform vec2 uv2_offset;
uniform float alpha_scissor_threshold = 0.5;
uniform float normal_scale : hint_range(-16,16) = 1.0;
uniform float roughness : hint_range(0,1) = 1.0;
uniform float specular = 0.5;
uniform float max_distance = 100.0; // max distance across which the alpha clip threshold would be set to lower value, gives more leaf density to distant trees
uniform bool wind_enabled = true;
uniform bool is_branch = false; // true if transparency is present, trunk and leaves tend to be split into separate materials to avoid transparency sorting issues
// how the wind sin/cos frequencies are scaled for each of the timers ex. vec4(5000, 1500, 500, 5)
global uniform vec4 tree_wind_size;
// how strong is the wind: x - trunk, y - branches, z - leaves/alpha card branches, ex. vec3(5.0, 3, 0.125)
global uniform vec3 tree_wind_power;
varying float view_distance;
void vertex() {
UV = UV * uv1_scale.xy + uv1_offset.xy;
UV2 = UV2 * uv1_scale.xy + uv2_offset.xy;
vec3 world_position = (MODEL_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0)).xyz;
vec3 world_camera = INV_VIEW_MATRIX[3].xyz;
vec4 tree_wind_timer = vec4(TIME) + vec4(NODE_POSITION_WORLD, 1.0);
view_distance = distance(world_position, world_camera);
if (wind_enabled) {
vec3 world_normals = MODEL_NORMAL_MATRIX * NORMAL;
vec3 global_wind = ( / tree_wind_size.x) + tree_wind_timer.x;
global_wind = vec3(cos(global_wind.x), 0, sin(global_wind.z));
global_wind.y = 1.0 + abs(dot(global_wind.x, global_wind.z));
vec3 wind_force = (world_position / tree_wind_size.x) + tree_wind_timer.y - global_wind;
wind_force = vec3(cos(wind_force.x), 0, sin(wind_force.y));
vec3 wind_animate = wind_force * tree_wind_power.x * (world_position.y / tree_wind_size.y);
float wind_variant = tree_wind_timer.z + (COLOR.y * 10.0);
wind_animate.xz += vec2(cos(wind_variant), sin(wind_variant)) * COLOR.z * tree_wind_power.y * 0.1;
vec3 wind_flutter = ( / tree_wind_size.w) + tree_wind_timer.w + COLOR.y;
wind_animate += abs(world_normals) * sin( dot(wind_flutter, vec3(1)) * tree_wind_size.w ) * COLOR.x * (tree_wind_power.z / tree_wind_size.w);
world_position += wind_animate * global_wind.y;
VERTEX = (inverse(MODEL_MATRIX) * vec4(world_position, 1.0)).xyz;
void fragment() {
vec4 diffuse_alpha_tex = texture(texture_albedo, UV);
vec4 normal_rough_tex = texture(texture_normal, UV);
float threshold_dist_modifier = 1.0 - min(view_distance / max_distance, 1.0);
ALBEDO = diffuse_alpha_tex.rgb * albedo.rgb;
ROUGHNESS = normal_rough_tex.a * roughness;
SPECULAR = specular;
NORMAL_MAP = normal_rough_tex.rgb;
NORMAL_MAP_DEPTH = normal_scale;
if (is_branch) {
ALPHA *= albedo.a * diffuse_alpha_tex.a;
ALPHA_SCISSOR_THRESHOLD = alpha_scissor_threshold * threshold_dist_modifier;
BACKLIGHT = texture(texture_backlight, UV).rgb * backlight_color.rgb;
Thank you for supporting this workflow – I have tried making a similar shader and failed at getting the randomness right. This is a big help.
could do with some help.. When I attach this shader to the tree I lose the tree’s materials, what’s the proper process for using this please?