Waving flag
Make a Plane mesh wave like a flag. Add a SimplexNoise or any texture to UV Offset Texture to make the flag behave differently.
This shader comes from GD Quest’s library of free shaders.
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
uniform float wave_size = 1.0;
uniform float face_distortion = 0.5;
uniform vec2 time_scale = vec2(0.3, 0.0);
uniform vec2 uv_offset_scale = vec2(-0.2, -0.1);
uniform sampler2D uv_offset_texture : hint_black;
void vertex(){
// Sample Noise
vec2 base_uv_offset = UV * uv_offset_scale;
base_uv_offset += TIME * time_scale;
float noise = texture(uv_offset_texture, base_uv_offset).r;
// Calculate offset
float texture_based_offset = noise * 2.0 - 1.0; // Convert from 0.0 1.0 to -1.0 1.0
texture_based_offset *= wave_size; // Apply amplitude
texture_based_offset *= UV.x; // Apply dampening
VERTEX.y += texture_based_offset;
VERTEX.z += texture_based_offset * face_distortion; // Distort the face to give impression of conserving shape
VERTEX.x += texture_based_offset * -face_distortion;
void fragment(){
// Sample noise
vec2 base_uv_offset = UV * uv_offset_scale;
base_uv_offset += TIME * time_scale;
float noise = texture(uv_offset_texture, base_uv_offset).r;
ALBEDO = vec3(0.0, noise, 1.0 - noise); //Display noise. Blue for valleys, green for peaks
//ALBEDO = vec3(1.0 - UV.x, 0.0, UV.x); //Display dampening. Red is full dampening, blue is none