world coordinates grid b&w shader
This shader displays a grid on every surface aligned with the unit vectors, it displays a jagged grid otherwise. This shader is useful for prototyping levels, especially when working with CSGs.
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
varying vec3 world_position;
void vertex() {
world_position = VERTEX;
const float gridSize = 3.5;
void fragment(){
vec3 pos = world_position;
pos /= gridSize;
pos += gridSize * 20.0;
//to offset a bug that appears when one of the coordinate is close to 0
//can be tweaked if the bug is visible
pos.y += 1.0*float(fract(float(int(pos.x*2.0))/2.0));
pos.z += float(fract(float(int(pos.y*2.0))/2.0));
vec3 col = vec3(fract(float(int(pos.z*2.0))/2.0));
ROUGHNESS = col.x/2.0 + 0.2;
ALBEDO = col;
How can i adjust the grid size? I would like to put it in meters
I fixed the Zero problem, added color and lines:
This can be moved into the vertex function, because it never changes in fragment() per vertex, so may as well only calculate it per vertex instead of per pixel.