Spatial Ice Shader

Port of Unity Shader Graph – Ice Tutorial – YouTube to Godot

Credit goes to Gabriel Aguiar.


For the “Ice Texture” parameter, you can use a noise texture or the texture provided in the video from above.

Currently the “render_mode” is unshaded but try experimenting with having it shaded.

render_mode depth_draw_alpha_prepass, specular_schlick_ggx;

I’m not sure how well it works on large objects since I haven’t tested it, but there’s a tiling option if you need it.

I made this as a Visual Shader and then converted into regular Shader afterwards.

Shader code
// Port of Unity Ice Shader to Godot
// by NekotoArts
// OG Shader here -
// my bruddahs dont dab we just Vossi Bop

shader_type spatial;
render_mode depth_draw_alpha_prepass, specular_schlick_ggx, unshaded;

uniform float FresnelPower = 2.5;
uniform vec4 FresnelColor : hint_color;
uniform vec4 Color : hint_color;
uniform vec3 Tiling = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
uniform vec3 Offset = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
uniform sampler2D Ice_Texture : hint_albedo;
uniform float RefractionAmount = 1.0;
uniform float Metallic = 0.134;
uniform float Smoothness = 0.627;
uniform float Normals = 0.77;

// TilingAndOffsetUV

vec2 ti1ingN0ffsetFunc(vec2 _uv_tN0, vec2 _offset_tN0){
	return vec2(mod(_uv_tN0.x + _offset_tN0.x, 1.0), mod(_uv_tN0.y + _offset_tN0.y, 1.0));

// ReadNormalMap

// Pulled straight from Godot's scene.glsl file
vec3 read_normalmap(in vec3 normalmap, in vec3 normal, in vec3 tangent, in vec3 binormal, in float normaldepth) {
	normalmap.xy = normalmap.xy * 2.0 - 1.0;
	normalmap.z = sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - dot(normalmap.xy, normalmap.xy))); //always ignore Z, as it can be RG packed, Z may be pos/neg, etc.
	return normalize(mix(normal, tangent * normalmap.x + binormal * normalmap.y + normal * normalmap.z, normaldepth));

void vertex() {
// Output:0


void fragment() {
// ScalarUniform:23
	float n_out23p0 = FresnelPower;

// Fresnel:22
	float n_out22p0 = pow(1.0 - clamp(dot(NORMAL, VIEW), 0.0, 1.0), n_out23p0);

// ColorUniform:24
	vec3 n_out24p0 = FresnelColor.rgb;
	float n_out24p1 = FresnelColor.a;

// VectorOp:25
	vec3 n_out25p0 = vec3(n_out22p0) * vec3(n_out24p0);

// ColorUniform:5
	vec3 n_out5p0 = Color.rgb;
	float n_out5p1 = Color.a;

// Input:29
	vec3 n_out29p0 = vec3(UV, 0.0);

// VectorUniform:31
	vec3 n_out31p0 = Tiling;

// VectorOp:30
	vec3 n_out30p0 = n_out29p0 * n_out31p0;

// VectorUniform:28
	vec3 n_out28p0 = Offset;

// TilingAndOffsetUV:27
	vec3 n_out27p0;
		n_out27p0 = vec3(ti1ingN0ffsetFunc(n_out30p0.xy, n_out28p0.xy), 0);

// Texture:11
	vec3 n_out11p0;
	float n_out11p1;
		vec4 Ice_Texture_tex_read = texture(Ice_Texture, n_out27p0.xy);
		n_out11p0 = Ice_Texture_tex_read.rgb;
		n_out11p1 = Ice_Texture_tex_read.a;

// Input:9
	vec3 n_out9p0 = vec3(SCREEN_UV, 0.0);

// VectorDecompose:12
	float n_out12p0 = n_out11p0.x;
	float n_out12p1 = n_out11p0.y;
	float n_out12p2 = n_out11p0.z;

// ScalarOp:10
	float n_out10p0 = dot(n_out9p0, vec3(0.333333, 0.333333, 0.333333)) * n_out12p0;

// ScalarOp:17
	float n_out17p0 = dot(n_out9p0, vec3(0.333333, 0.333333, 0.333333)) + n_out10p0;

// VectorOp:13
	vec3 n_out13p0 = n_out9p0 - vec3(n_out17p0);

// ScalarUniform:16
	float n_out16p0 = RefractionAmount;

// VectorOp:14
	vec3 n_out14p0 = n_out13p0 * vec3(n_out16p0);

// VectorOp:15
	vec3 n_out15p0 = n_out14p0 + n_out9p0;

// Input:7

// Texture:8
	vec3 n_out8p0;
	float n_out8p1;
		vec4 SCREEN_TEXTURE_tex_read = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, n_out15p0.xy);
		n_out8p0 = SCREEN_TEXTURE_tex_read.rgb;
		n_out8p1 = SCREEN_TEXTURE_tex_read.a;

// VectorOp:20
	vec3 n_out20p0 = n_out11p0 + n_out8p0;

// VectorOp:21
	vec3 n_out21p0 = n_out5p0 * n_out20p0;

// VectorOp:26
	vec3 n_out26p0 = n_out25p0 + n_out21p0;

// ScalarUniform:2
	float n_out2p0 = Metallic;

// ScalarUniform:3
	float n_out3p0 = Smoothness;

// ScalarUniform:4
	float n_out4p0 = Normals;

// ReadNormalMap:18
	vec3 n_out18p0;
		n_out18p0 = read_normalmap(n_out11p0, vec3(n_out4p0), TANGENT, BINORMAL, NORMALMAP_DEPTH);

// Output:0
	ALBEDO = n_out26p0;
	ALPHA = n_out5p1;
	METALLIC = n_out2p0;
	SPECULAR = n_out3p0;
	NORMAL = n_out18p0;


void light() {
// Output:0

The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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6 months ago

Cool Shader I wonder if there’s a 4.2 equivalent.

3 months ago
Reply to  VolTitanDev

it works fine for me in 4.2