Daruk’s Protection Shader!

Recreation of Daruk’s Protection from Breath of the Wild!

How to use:

  • Create a CSG_Sphere (to get that low poly kind of look that Daruk’s Protection has)
  • Under its material (not material override) slot, create a Shader Material
  • Place the shader in there!
  • For the “Symbol Texture” just use any fractal texture or something you like (You can leave it blank as well)

Made using Visual Shader (I’m starting to like Visual Shader :P)

My settings are in the screenshots


Goron Model is from here: Bonk – Free Model by JobElfrink (sketchfab.com)


Shader code
// Recreation of Daruks Protection from BotW
// Made by NekotoArts
// Garbaj best waifu
// This was written in VisualShader
// thats why the variables are called "n_out24p0" and stuff

shader_type spatial;
render_mode specular_schlick_ggx, unshaded;

uniform float fresnel_blend;
uniform float fresnel_size;
uniform float fresnel_power;
uniform vec4 fresnel_color_top : hint_color;
uniform float brightness;
uniform float time_scale;
uniform float tile;
uniform sampler2D symbol_texture;
uniform float symbol_blend;

// FractalSimplexNoise2D

vec3 _permute_simplex2_n0ise_fractal(vec3 x) {
	return ((x*34.0)+1.0)*x-floor(((x*34.0)+1.0)*x*(1.0/289.0))*289.0;

float simplex2dN0iseFractalFunc(vec2 v) {
	vec4 C = vec4(0.211324865405187,
	vec2 i  = floor(v + dot(v, C.yy) );
	vec2 x0 = v -   i + dot(i, C.xx);
	vec2 i1;
	i1 = (x0.x > x0.y) ? vec2(1.0, 0.0) : vec2(0.0, 1.0);
	vec4 x12 = vec4(x0.xy, x0.xy) + C.xxzz;
	x12.xy -= i1;
	i = i - floor(i * (1.0 / 289.0)) * 289.0;
	vec3 p = _permute_simplex2_n0ise_fractal(_permute_simplex2_n0ise_fractal(i.y + vec3(0.0, i1.y, 1.0 )) + i.x + vec3(0.0, i1.x, 1.0));
	vec3 m = max(0.5 - vec3(dot(x0, x0), dot(x12.xy, x12.xy), dot(x12.zw, x12.zw)), vec3(0.0));
	m = m * m;
	m = m * m;
	vec3 x = 2.0 * fract(p * C.www) - 1.0;
	vec3 h = abs(x) - 0.5;
	vec3 ox = floor(x + 0.5);
	vec3 a0 = x - ox;
	m *= 1.79284291400159 - 0.85373472095314 * (a0 * a0 + h * h);
	vec3 g;
	g.x  = a0.x  * x0.x  + h.x  * x0.y;
	g.yz = a0.yz * x12.xz + h.yz * x12.yw;
	return 130.0 * dot(m, g);
float simplexNoise2DFBM(vec2 _uv_sn2fbm, int _oct_sn2fbm, vec2 _per_sn2fbm, float _lac_sn2fbm,
						float _persist_sn2fbm, float _rot_sn2fbm, float _ampl_sn2fbm, vec2 _shift_sn2fbm) {
	float _v = 0.0;
	float _a = _ampl_sn2fbm;
	mat2 _r0t = mat2(vec2(cos(_rot_sn2fbm), sin(_rot_sn2fbm)), vec2(-sin(_rot_sn2fbm), cos(_rot_sn2fbm)));
	for (int i = 0; i < _oct_sn2fbm; ++i) {
		_v += _a * simplex2dN0iseFractalFunc(_uv_sn2fbm * _per_sn2fbm);
		_uv_sn2fbm = _r0t * _uv_sn2fbm * _lac_sn2fbm + _shift_sn2fbm;
		_a *= _persist_sn2fbm;
	return (min(_v, 1.0) + 1.0) * 0.5;

// FractalWorleyNoise2D

vec2 cellular2dNoiseFractalFunc(vec2 P, float _jitter_w2d) {
	float K = 0.142857142857; // 1/7
	float Ko = 0.428571428571; // 3/7
	vec2 Pi = floor(P) - floor(floor(P) * (1.0 / 289.0)) * 289.0;
	vec2 Pf = fract(P);
	vec3 oi = vec3(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
	vec3 of = vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 1.5);
	vec3 px = (34.0*(Pi.x+oi)+1.0)*(Pi.x+oi)-floor((34.0*(Pi.x+oi)+1.0)*(Pi.x+oi)*(1.0/289.0))* 289.0;
	vec3 p = (34.0*(px.x+Pi.y+ oi)+1.0)*(px.x+Pi.y+ oi)-floor((34.0*(px.x+Pi.y+oi)+1.0)*(px.x+Pi.y+ oi)*(1.0/289.0))*289.0;
	vec3 ox = fract(p*K) - Ko;
	vec3 oy = (floor(p*K) - floor(floor(p*K) * (1.0 / 7.0)) * 7.0) * K - Ko;
	vec3 dx = Pf.x + 0.5 + _jitter_w2d*ox;
	vec3 dy = Pf.y - of + _jitter_w2d*oy;
	vec3 d1 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
	p = (34.0*(px.y+Pi.y+oi)+1.0)*(px.y+Pi.y+oi)-floor((34.0*(px.y+Pi.y+oi)+1.0)*(px.y+Pi.y+oi)*(1.0/289.0))*289.0;
	ox = fract(p*K) - Ko;
	oy = (floor(p*K) - floor(floor(p*K) * (1.0 / 7.0)) * 7.0) * K - Ko;
	dx = Pf.x - 0.5 + _jitter_w2d*ox;
	dy = Pf.y - of + _jitter_w2d*oy;
	vec3 d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
	p = (34.0*(px.z+Pi.y+oi)+1.0)*(px.z+Pi.y+oi)-floor((34.0*(px.z+Pi.y+oi)+1.0)*(px.z+Pi.y+oi)*(1.0/289.0))*289.0;
	ox = fract(p*K) - Ko;
	oy = (floor(p*K) - floor(floor(p*K) * (1.0 / 7.0)) * 7.0) * K - Ko;
	dx = Pf.x - 1.5 + _jitter_w2d*ox;
	dy = Pf.y - of + _jitter_w2d*oy;
	vec3 d3 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
	vec3 d1a = min(d1, d2);
	d2 = max(d1, d2);
	d2 = min(d2, d3);
	d1 = min(d1a, d2);
	d2 = max(d1a, d2);
	d1.xy = (d1.x < d1.y) ? d1.xy : d1.yx;
	d1.xz = (d1.x < d1.z) ? d1.xz : d1.zx;
	d1.yz = min(d1.yz, d2.yz);
	d1.y = min(d1.y, d1.z);
	d1.y = min(d1.y, d2.x);
	return sqrt(d1.xy);
float cellularNoise2DFBM(vec2 _uv_cnfbm, int _oct_cnfbm, vec2 _per_cnfbm, float _lac_cnfbm, float _persist_cnfbm,
		float _rot_cnfbm, float _ampl_cnfbm, vec2 _shift_cnfbm, float _jitter_cnfbm, bool _use_F2_cnfbm) {
	float _v = 0.0;
	float _a = _ampl_cnfbm;
	mat2 _r0t = mat2(vec2(cos(_rot_cnfbm), sin(_rot_cnfbm)), vec2(-sin(_rot_cnfbm), cos(_rot_cnfbm)));
	for (int i = 0; i < _oct_cnfbm; ++i) {
		vec2 _cell_noiseF12 = cellular2dNoiseFractalFunc(_uv_cnfbm * _per_cnfbm, _jitter_cnfbm);
		if (_use_F2_cnfbm) {
			_v += _a * _cell_noiseF12.y;
		} else {
			_v += _a * _cell_noiseF12.x;
		_uv_cnfbm = _r0t * _uv_cnfbm * _lac_cnfbm + _shift_cnfbm;
		_a *= _persist_cnfbm;
	return _v;

// TileUV

vec2 t1leMapUV(vec2 _uv_t1le_t1mp, float _w1dth_t1mp, float _he1ght_t1mp, float _t1le_nmbr_t1mp){
	_t1le_nmbr_t1mp = min(max(floor(_t1le_nmbr_t1mp), 0.0), _w1dth_t1mp * _he1ght_t1mp - 1.0);
	vec2 tcrcp = vec2(1.0) / vec2(_w1dth_t1mp, _he1ght_t1mp);
	float ty =floor(_t1le_nmbr_t1mp * tcrcp.x);
	float tx = _t1le_nmbr_t1mp - _w1dth_t1mp * ty;
	return (_uv_t1le_t1mp + vec2(tx, ty)) * tcrcp;

void vertex() {
// Output:0


void fragment() {
// ScalarUniform:25
	float n_out25p0 = fresnel_blend;

// ScalarUniform:27
	float n_out27p0 = fresnel_size;

// ScalarOp:26
	float n_out26p0 = n_out25p0 + n_out27p0;

// ScalarUniform:3
	float n_out3p0 = fresnel_power;

// Fresnel:2
	float n_out2p0 = pow(1.0 - clamp(dot(NORMAL, VIEW), 0.0, 1.0), n_out3p0);

// ScalarSmoothStep:24
	float n_out24p0 = smoothstep(n_out25p0, n_out26p0, n_out2p0);

// ColorUniform:9
	vec3 n_out9p0 = fresnel_color_top.rgb;
	float n_out9p1 = fresnel_color_top.a;

// ScalarUniform:43
	float n_out43p0 = brightness;

// VectorOp:42
	vec3 n_out42p0 = n_out9p0 * vec3(n_out43p0);

// VectorOp:8
	vec3 n_out8p0 = vec3(n_out24p0) * n_out42p0;

// Input:17
	vec3 n_out17p0 = vec3(UV, 0.0);

// ScalarUniform:19
	float n_out19p0 = time_scale;

// ScaledTIME:18
	float n_out18p0;
		n_out18p0 = n_out19p0 * TIME;

// VectorOp:16
	vec3 n_out16p0 = n_out17p0 + vec3(n_out18p0);

// FractalSimplexNoise2D:23
	float n_in23p1 = 3.00000;
	vec3 n_in23p2 = vec3(2.00000, 2.00000, 0.00000);
	float n_in23p3 = 2.00000;
	float n_in23p4 = 0.80000;
	float n_in23p5 = 0.50000;
	float n_in23p6 = 0.50000;
	vec3 n_in23p7 = vec3(0.50000, 0.50000, 0.00000);
	float n_out23p0;
		n_out23p0 = simplexNoise2DFBM(n_out16p0.xy, int(n_in23p1), n_in23p2.xy, n_in23p3, n_in23p4, n_in23p5, n_in23p6, n_in23p7.xy);

// ScalarOp:14
	float n_in14p1 = 1.00000;
	float n_out14p0 = n_out23p0 + n_in14p1;

// VectorOp:12
	vec3 n_out12p0 = n_out8p0 * vec3(n_out14p0);

// FractalWorleyNoise2D:22
	float n_in22p1 = 5.00000;
	vec3 n_in22p2 = vec3(2.00000, 2.00000, 0.00000);
	float n_in22p3 = 2.00000;
	float n_in22p4 = 0.80000;
	float n_in22p5 = 0.50000;
	float n_in22p6 = 0.30000;
	vec3 n_in22p7 = vec3(0.50000, 0.50000, 0.00000);
	float n_in22p8 = 1.00000;
	bool n_in22p9 = false;
	float n_out22p0;
		n_out22p0 = cellularNoise2DFBM(n_out16p0.xy, int(n_in22p1), n_in22p2.xy, n_in22p3, n_in22p4, n_in22p5, n_in22p6, n_in22p7.xy, n_in22p8, n_in22p9);

// VectorOp:21
	vec3 n_out21p0 = n_out12p0 * vec3(n_out22p0);

// ScalarUniform:34
	float n_out34p0 = tile;

// TileUV:33
	float n_in33p3 = 0.00000;
	vec3 n_out33p0;
		n_out33p0.xy = t1leMapUV(n_out16p0.xy, n_out34p0, n_out34p0, n_in33p3);

// TextureUniform:29
	vec3 n_out29p0;
	float n_out29p1;
		vec4 n_tex_read = texture(symbol_texture, n_out33p0.xy);
		n_out29p0 = n_tex_read.rgb;
		n_out29p1 = n_tex_read.a;

// ColorFunc:40
	vec3 n_out40p0;
		vec3 c = n_out29p0;
		float max1 = max(c.r, c.g);
		float max2 = max(max1, c.b);
		float max3 = max(max1, max2);
		n_out40p0 = vec3(max3, max3, max3);

// VectorFunc:41
	vec3 n_out41p0 = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - n_out40p0;

// ScalarUniform:39
	float n_out39p0 = symbol_blend;

// VectorOp:36
	vec3 n_out36p0 = n_out41p0 + vec3(n_out39p0);

// VectorOp:31
	vec3 n_out31p0 = n_out9p0 * n_out36p0;

// VectorFunc:38
	vec3 n_out38p0 = max(min(n_out31p0, vec3(1.0)), vec3(0.0));

// VectorOp:28
	vec3 n_out28p0 = n_out21p0 * n_out38p0;

// Input:7
	vec3 n_out7p0 = vec3(SCREEN_UV, 0.0);

// Input:5

// Texture:6
	vec3 n_out6p0;
	float n_out6p1;
		vec4 SCREEN_TEXTURE_tex_read = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, n_out7p0.xy);
		n_out6p0 = SCREEN_TEXTURE_tex_read.rgb;
		n_out6p1 = SCREEN_TEXTURE_tex_read.a;

// VectorOp:4
	vec3 n_out4p0 = n_out28p0 + n_out6p0;

// Output:0
	ALBEDO = n_out4p0;


void light() {
// Output:0

botw, daruk, force field, protection, Shield
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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nad labs
nad labs
3 years ago