Wavy Texture

Waves the texture around. Inspired by wibbly wobbly.

Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

// The amplitude of the wave.
uniform float waveAmplitude: hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.25;
// If true corrects the Vertexes to adjust for the UV displacement
uniform bool correctVertex = true;
// The frequency of the wave.
uniform float waveFrequency: hint_range(0.0, 100.0) = 10.0;
// If true the texture waves vertically otherwise horizontally.
uniform bool verticalWave = true;
// If true the sprite will deform to match the waves, otherwise we keep the background color clamped.
uniform bool keepTransparency = true;
// If true the TIME constant is used, otherwise progress is used to move the wave.
uniform bool useTime = true;
// If useTime is true then use this as a multiplier for the wave speed.
uniform float waveSpeed: hint_range(0.0, 100.0) = 1.0;
// If useTime is false then use this as a multiplier for the wave progress.
uniform float progress: hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.0;
// How much of the left or top half of the texture is modified.
uniform float firstHalf: hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.5;
// How much of the right or bottom half of the texture is modified.
uniform float secondHalf: hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.5;
// Keeps one half stuck. Useful for things like flags.
uniform bool freezeFirstHalf = false;
// Keeps one half stuck. Useful for things like flags.
uniform bool freezeSecondHalf = false;

void vertex() {
	if (correctVertex) {
		VERTEX = (verticalWave ? vec2(VERTEX.x, VERTEX.y * (1.0 + waveAmplitude)): vec2(VERTEX.x * (1.0 + waveAmplitude), VERTEX.y));

void fragment() {
	vec2 uv = UV;
	float waveUv = (verticalWave ? uv.x : uv.y);
	float againstWaveUv = (verticalWave ? uv.y: uv.x);
	float freezeFactor = 1.0;
	if (freezeFirstHalf) {freezeFactor = waveUv;} else if (freezeSecondHalf) {freezeFactor = 1.0 - waveUv;}
	if (againstWaveUv < firstHalf || againstWaveUv > 1.0 - secondHalf) {
		float wave;
		// Progress based on time or progress variable.
		if (useTime) {
			wave = freezeFactor * sin(waveUv * waveFrequency + TIME * waveSpeed) * (waveAmplitude / 4.0);
		} else {
			wave = freezeFactor * sin(waveUv * waveFrequency + progress * 2.0 * PI) * (waveAmplitude / 4.0);
		vec2 aspect = vec2(TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.x / TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.y, 1.0);
	    vec2 center = 0.5 * aspect;
		// Wave the UV.
		uv -= center;
		if (verticalWave) {
		    uv.y += wave;
			uv.y += uv.y * waveAmplitude;
		} else {
		    uv.x += wave;
			uv.x += uv.x * waveAmplitude;
		uv += center;
		// Clamp the UVs to prevent texture wrapping.
		uv = clamp(uv, vec2(0.0), vec2(1.0));
		againstWaveUv = (verticalWave ? uv.y : uv.x);
		vec4 texColor = texture(TEXTURE, uv);
		// Apply the calculated color.
		if (keepTransparency) {
			if (againstWaveUv <= 0.0 || againstWaveUv >= 1.0) {
				COLOR.a = 0.0;
			} else {
				COLOR = texColor;
		} else {
			COLOR = texColor;
4.3, animated, wave
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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