1 Bit 3d Shader With Dithering

This is 1 bit shader for 3d games. Its heavily based on PS1 Post-processing shader made by Mighty Duke



Add the shader material to SubViewportContainer node with SubViewport as its child



Dithering:  Enable or disable dithering

Dithering Size: Strenght of the dithering. Can be used to control how large areas will have dithering as color transitions from black to white

Resolution Scale: Can be used to lower resolution for more retro look

Threshold: Point where black turns to white. Between 0 and 255

White: Set the color displayed for white portions of the screen

Black: Set the color displayed for black portions of the screen


Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

uniform bool dithering = true;
uniform int dithering_size = 10;
uniform int resolution_scale = 2;
uniform float threshold = 60.0;
uniform vec4 white: source_color = vec4(1,1,1,1);
uniform vec4 black: source_color = vec4(0,0,0,1);

int dithering_pattern(ivec2 fragcoord) {
	const int pattern[] = {
		-4, +0, -3, +1,
		+2, -2, +3, -1,
		-3, +1, -4, +0,
		+3, -1, +2, -2
	int x = fragcoord.x % 4;
	int y = fragcoord.y % 4;

	return pattern[y * 4 + x]*dithering_size;

void fragment() {
	ivec2 uv = ivec2(FRAGCOORD.xy / float(resolution_scale));
	vec3 color = texelFetch(TEXTURE, uv * resolution_scale, 0).rgb;

	// Convert from [0.0, 1.0] range to [0, 255] range
	ivec3 c = ivec3(round(color * 255.0));

	// Apply the dithering pattern
	if (dithering) {
		c += ivec3(dithering_pattern(uv));

	// Convert back to [0.0, 1.0] range
	float avg = float(c.x+c.y+c.z)/3.0;
	if (avg < threshold){
		COLOR = black;
		COLOR = white;
retro dithering
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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1 month ago

I don’t understand how to apply this shader in the SubViewportContainer