2D Hologram Shader
This is a hologram shader that I made for the dialog portraits in an upcoming space game, Ari’s Journey. I wanted to share this here to save some time for the next person wanting a similar effect. This was originally based on the 2D waterfall shader, but I’ve since rewritten it and used some of that shader combined with a 3D hologram shader I found here.
- baseColor – sets the tint of the hologram. The alpha will adjust how strong the tint is. Leave at alpha 0 to not add any tint
- speed – how quickly the lines move
- linesColor – the color of the artifact lines that will scroll across the image. The alpha will effect how strong the color tint is. Set to 0 to have the artifact lines make the texture tranparent in places
- linesColorIntensity – use to adjust the brightness of the lines. Used to make the lines more prominent
- hologramTextureTiling – how many times the hologramTexture should be repeated in each direction across the base texture
- hologramTexture – the texture that will be sampled to create the artifacts. Use the attached black & white hologram_lines image as a starting point
The screenshot and video attached are using a TextureRect, but it should work fine with a Sprite without any issues.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec4 baseColor: hint_color = vec4(0.3058, 0.835, 0.960, 1.);
uniform float speed = 0.5;
uniform vec4 linesColor: hint_color = vec4(0.633232, 0.910156, 0.555693, 1.);
uniform float linesColorIntensity = 5.;
uniform sampler2D hologramTexture;
uniform vec2 hologramTextureTiling = vec2(1., 5.);
vec2 tilingAndOffset(vec2 uv, vec2 tiling, vec2 offset) {
return mod(uv * tiling + offset, 1);
void fragment() {
vec2 offset = vec2(TIME * speed / 100.0);
vec2 tiling = tilingAndOffset(UV, hologramTextureTiling, offset);
vec4 noise = texture(hologramTexture, tiling);
float fresnel = 0.71;
vec4 colorLines = linesColor * vec4(vec3(linesColorIntensity), 1.0);
vec4 emission = colorLines * fresnel * noise;
vec4 albedo = baseColor;
float alpha = dot(noise.rgb, vec3(1.0));
vec4 hologram;
hologram.rgb = emission.rgb + (1.0 - emission.rgb) * albedo.rgb * albedo.a;
hologram.a = emission.a + (1.0 - emission.a) * alpha;
hologram.a = hologram.a + (1.0 - hologram.a) * albedo.a;
COLOR = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
COLOR.rgb = COLOR.rgb + (1.0 - COLOR.rgb) * hologram.rgb;
COLOR.a = min(COLOR.a, hologram.a);
thank you
Soooo cool