2D shadow with bottom offset, image ratio independent shadow direction, and minimal vertex increase
This is the shader I wrote to get 2D shadows for Gobs and Gods.
It’s “just” a simple casted shadow, but with a few caveats which made is not so trivial to get right:
- shadow direction does not depend on the image size ratio
- it increases the sprite box by just the required amount
- it has a Y-offset parameter to define where is the “bottom” of the shadow
- it avoids artefacts which may appear when there is a non transparent pixel on the border of the image
However, it only works as-is with shadows casted “to the right”.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
render_mode blend_mix;
uniform float _vmax = 0.95; // Bottom of the sprite (in UV coordinates.)
uniform vec4 modulate : hint_color;
uniform vec2 shadowDirection = vec2(0.5, 0.5); // direction the point casting the shadow to the shaded point.
//This direction is in PIXEL space, not UV, to avoid shadow direction depending from the image size ratio.
void vertex()
// how far to the right is the shadow of the top right corner?
float pixelsAdded = _vmax * shadowDirection.x / TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.y / max( 1.0, 1.0 + shadowDirection.y) ;
// is this a right side pixel?
int vertexid = VERTEX_ID % 4; // not sure 'WHY' exactly %4 is required, but it's from there: https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/17l9eqn/understanding_vertex_and_sprite_offset_for_simple/
bool is_right_vertex = vertexid == 1 || vertexid == 2;
// moving the right side pixels to the right to cover potential shadow position
VERTEX += vec2( pixelsAdded * (is_right_vertex ? 1. : 0.), 0.);
void fragment() {
// original image size in pixels
vec2 size = 1.0 / TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE;
// pixels added in vertex
float pixelsAdded = _vmax * shadowDirection.x * size.y / max( 1.0, 1.0 + shadowDirection.y) ;
// size in pixels of the area covered by shader
vec2 sizeTotal = vec2(size.x + pixelsAdded, size.y );
// position in pixels. (note that UV is normalised with sizeTotal)
vec2 xy = UV * sizeTotal;
// height of the pixel
float dy = clamp(_vmax - UV.y, 0.0 , 1.0) ;
// point casting the shadow
vec2 xyShadow = xy - dy * size.y * shadowDirection;
// UV in texture coordinates
vec2 correctedUV = xy / size;
// point casting shadow in same coordinates
vec2 shadowUV = xyShadow / size;
// read shadow-casting pixel color
vec4 shadow = vec4(modulate.rgb, texture(TEXTURE, shadowUV).a * modulate.a);
// if this pixel is on the border, it may cause artefacts => (smoothly) hide border pixels.
vec2 shadowUV_OnBorder = smoothstep(vec2(0.),vec2(1.) , shadowUV *100. ) ;
shadowUV_OnBorder *= smoothstep(vec2(0.),vec2(1.) , (1.-shadowUV) *100. ) ;
shadow.a *= shadowUV_OnBorder.x * shadowUV_OnBorder.y;
// read color of current pixel
vec4 col = texture(TEXTURE, correctedUV);
// mix current pixel with shadow behind.
COLOR = mix(shadow, col, col.a);
Awesome stuff, thanks for posting!
Just a heads up on godot 4.3 I needed to change the following
hint_color -> source_color
vertexids to check from 1 + 2 to 2 + 3:
bool is_right_vertex = vertexid == 2 || vertexid == 3;
Hopefully this is helpful for anyone wanting to give this a shot