3-point texture filtering
Very simple port of 3point texture filtering from GLideN64 ( https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64 ) to the Godot Engine.
Texture’s filtering has to be disabled, otherwise there will be artifacts.
Texture size has to be set manually due to a GLES2 limitation, this can also be used to down or upscale textures non-destructively.
Shader code
// 3 point texture filtering.
// Original author: ArthurCarvalho
// GLSL implementation: twinaphex, mupen64plus-libretro project.
// Ported to Godot by Ed3800
shader_type spatial;
render_mode vertex_lighting, specular_disabled, ambient_light_disabled, shadows_disabled;
uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform vec2 texSize;
void fragment() {
vec2 offset = fract(UV*texSize - vec2(0.5));
offset -= step(1.0, offset.x + offset.y);
vec4 c0 = texture(tex, UV - (offset)/texSize);
vec2 c1off = vec2(offset.x - sign(offset.x), offset.y);
vec4 c1 = texture(tex, UV - (c1off)/texSize);
vec2 c2off = vec2(offset.x, offset.y - sign(offset.y));
vec4 c2 = texture(tex, UV - (c2off)/texSize);
ALBEDO = vec4(c0 + abs(offset.x)*(c1-c0) + abs(offset.y)*(c2-c0)).rgb;
I have no plans to use this shader but I just want to say that thumbnail is hilarious.
Does this apply to lightmaps?