Dodecahedral Multi-Planar projection

Tinkering, and came up with this, definite room for performance improvements (pre-calculation of all the matrix permutations generated by p_align() etc)

The aim was to reduce blending issues significantly when compared to using standard tri-planar projection methods at non cardinal directions, without requiring additional samples.

Single sample is possible by taking only the albedo_a/normal_a values directly, and commenting out the rest – however this yields derivative errors/harsh edges across projection borders.

Shader code
// Copyright 2024 Emerson Rowland
// MIT License
// Dodecahedral Multi-Planar projection shader.

shader_type spatial;

uniform sampler2D albedo_tex : source_color, filter_linear_mipmap_anisotropic;
uniform sampler2D normal_tex : hint_normal, filter_linear_mipmap_anisotropic;
uniform float blend_value : hint_range(0.05, 0.2, 0.01) = 0.1;

// Dodecahedron Face Normals
const vec3 p_normals[12] = vec3[12](
	vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
	vec3(0.0, -0.447214, 0.894427),
	vec3(0.0, 0.447214, -0.894427),
	vec3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
	vec3(0.85369, 0.443003, -0.273791),
	vec3(-0.85369, 0.443003, -0.273791),
	vec3(0.85369, -0.443003, 0.273791),
	vec3(-0.85369, -0.443003, 0.273791),
	vec3(0.530692, 0.445591, 0.720982),
	vec3(-0.530692, 0.445591, 0.720982),
	vec3(0.530692, -0.445591, -0.720982),
	vec3(-0.530692, -0.445591, -0.720982)

varying vec3 w_vertex;
varying vec3 w_normal;

vec3[4] d_normal(vec3 surface_normal) {
	float dot_a = -1.0;
	float dot_b = -1.0;
	float dot_c = -1.0;
	int p_index_a = 0;
	int p_index_b = 0;
	int p_index_c = 0;
	// Determine 1st, 2nd & 3rd Nearest Faces.
    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
		float dot_product = dot(surface_normal, p_normals[i]);
		if (dot_product > dot_a) {
			dot_c = dot_b;
			p_index_c = p_index_b;
			dot_b = dot_a;
			p_index_b = p_index_a;
			dot_a = dot_product;
			p_index_a = i;
		} else if (dot_product > dot_b) {
			dot_c = dot_b;
			p_index_c = p_index_b;
			dot_b = dot_product;
			p_index_b = i;
		} else if (dot_product > dot_c) {
			dot_c = dot_product;
			p_index_c = i;
	return vec3[4](
		// Primary 12 Face Direction
		// Secondary Direction
		normalize(p_normals[p_index_a] + p_normals[p_index_b]),
		// Tertiary Direction
		normalize(p_normals[p_index_a] + p_normals[p_index_b] + p_normals[p_index_c]),
		// Blending weights
			smoothstep(0.833,1.0,dot_c+(blend_value * 2.0))

// Derived from MIT license - Inigo Quilez 2013
mat3 p_align(vec3 normal) {
	const vec3 up = vec3(0., 1., 0.);
	if (dot(up, normal) < -0.999) {
		normal *= -1.0;
	vec3 v = cross(up, normal);
	float c = dot(up, normal);
	float k = 1.0 / (1.0 + c);

	float vxy = v.x * v.y;
	float vxz = v.x * v.z;
	float vyz = v.y * v.z;

	return mat3(
		vec3(fma(v.x * v.x, k, c), fma(vxy, k, -v.z), fma(vxz, k, v.y)),
		vec3(fma(vxy, k, v.z), fma(v.y * v.y, k, c), fma(vyz, k, -v.x)),
		vec3(fma(vxz, k, -v.y), fma(vyz, k, v.x), fma(v.z * v.z, k, c))

vec4 tri_blend(vec4 value_a, vec4 value_b, vec4 value_c, vec3 weights) {
	weights /= weights[0] + weights[1] + weights[2];
	vec4 weighted_value = (
		value_a * weights[0] +
		value_b * weights[1] +
		value_c * weights[2]
	return weighted_value;

void vertex() {
	// Obtain world space vertex and normal values.
	w_vertex = (MODEL_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0)).xyz;
	// Ensure Tangent/Binormal align with world space
	TANGENT = normalize(p_align(vec3(-1.0, 0.0 , 0.0)) * w_normal);
	BINORMAL = normalize(p_align(vec3(0.0, 0.0 , 1.0)) * w_normal);

void fragment() {
	// If wanting per-pixel normals, eg. for terrain
	//NORMAL = mat3(VIEW_MATRIX) * (w_normal);
	//TANGENT = mat3(VIEW_MATRIX) * (p_align(vec3(-1.0, 0.0 , 0.0)) * w_normal);
	//BINORMAL = mat3(VIEW_MATRIX) * (p_align(vec3(0.0, 0.0 , 1.0)) * w_normal);
	// Vector 3's containing 3 orthogonal Projection vectors, and 1 set of 3 blending weights.
	vec3[4] p_dir = d_normal(w_normal);
	vec4 albedo_a = vec4(1), albedo_b = vec4(1), albedo_c = vec4(1);
	vec4 normal_a = vec4(1), normal_b = vec4(1), normal_c = vec4(1);

	vec2 p_uv[3] = vec2[3](
		(p_align(p_dir[0]) * w_vertex).xz,
		(p_align(p_dir[1]) * w_vertex).xz,
		(p_align(p_dir[2]) * w_vertex).xz

	if (p_dir[3][0] > 0.0) {
	albedo_a = texture(albedo_tex, p_uv[0]);
	normal_a = texture(normal_tex, p_uv[0]);
	normal_a.rbg = (normal_a.rbg * 2.0 - 1.0);

	if (p_dir[3][1] > 0.0) {
	albedo_b = texture(albedo_tex, p_uv[1]);
	normal_b = texture(normal_tex, p_uv[1]);
	normal_b.rbg = (normal_b.rbg * 2.0 - 1.0);

	if (p_dir[3][2] > 0.0) {
	albedo_c = texture(albedo_tex, p_uv[2]);
	normal_c = texture(normal_tex, p_uv[2]);
	normal_c.rbg = (normal_c.rbg * 2.0 - 1.0);

	vec4 out_albedo = tri_blend(albedo_a, albedo_b, albedo_c, p_dir[3]);
	vec4 out_normal = normalize(tri_blend(normal_a, normal_b, normal_c, p_dir[3]));

	ALBEDO = out_albedo.rgb;
	NORMAL_MAP = (out_normal.rgb + 1.0) * 0.5;

projection, Tri-Planar
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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