Dodecahedral Multi-Planar projection
Tinkering, and came up with this, definite room for performance improvements (pre-calculation of all the matrix permutations generated by p_align() etc)
The aim was to reduce blending issues significantly when compared to using standard tri-planar projection methods at non cardinal directions, without requiring additional samples.
Single sample is possible by taking only the albedo_a/normal_a values directly, and commenting out the rest – however this yields derivative errors/harsh edges across projection borders.
Shader code
// Copyright 2024 Emerson Rowland
// MIT License
// Dodecahedral Multi-Planar projection shader.
shader_type spatial;
uniform sampler2D albedo_tex : source_color, filter_linear_mipmap_anisotropic;
uniform sampler2D normal_tex : hint_normal, filter_linear_mipmap_anisotropic;
uniform float blend_value : hint_range(0.05, 0.2, 0.01) = 0.1;
// Dodecahedron Face Normals
const vec3 p_normals[12] = vec3[12](
vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
vec3(0.0, -0.447214, 0.894427),
vec3(0.0, 0.447214, -0.894427),
vec3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
vec3(0.85369, 0.443003, -0.273791),
vec3(-0.85369, 0.443003, -0.273791),
vec3(0.85369, -0.443003, 0.273791),
vec3(-0.85369, -0.443003, 0.273791),
vec3(0.530692, 0.445591, 0.720982),
vec3(-0.530692, 0.445591, 0.720982),
vec3(0.530692, -0.445591, -0.720982),
vec3(-0.530692, -0.445591, -0.720982)
varying vec3 w_vertex;
varying vec3 w_normal;
vec3[4] d_normal(vec3 surface_normal) {
float dot_a = -1.0;
float dot_b = -1.0;
float dot_c = -1.0;
int p_index_a = 0;
int p_index_b = 0;
int p_index_c = 0;
// Determine 1st, 2nd & 3rd Nearest Faces.
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
float dot_product = dot(surface_normal, p_normals[i]);
if (dot_product > dot_a) {
dot_c = dot_b;
p_index_c = p_index_b;
dot_b = dot_a;
p_index_b = p_index_a;
dot_a = dot_product;
p_index_a = i;
} else if (dot_product > dot_b) {
dot_c = dot_b;
p_index_c = p_index_b;
dot_b = dot_product;
p_index_b = i;
} else if (dot_product > dot_c) {
dot_c = dot_product;
p_index_c = i;
return vec3[4](
// Primary 12 Face Direction
// Secondary Direction
normalize(p_normals[p_index_a] + p_normals[p_index_b]),
// Tertiary Direction
normalize(p_normals[p_index_a] + p_normals[p_index_b] + p_normals[p_index_c]),
// Blending weights
smoothstep(0.833,1.0,dot_c+(blend_value * 2.0))
// Derived from MIT license - Inigo Quilez 2013
mat3 p_align(vec3 normal) {
const vec3 up = vec3(0., 1., 0.);
if (dot(up, normal) < -0.999) {
normal *= -1.0;
vec3 v = cross(up, normal);
float c = dot(up, normal);
float k = 1.0 / (1.0 + c);
float vxy = v.x * v.y;
float vxz = v.x * v.z;
float vyz = v.y * v.z;
return mat3(
vec3(fma(v.x * v.x, k, c), fma(vxy, k, -v.z), fma(vxz, k, v.y)),
vec3(fma(vxy, k, v.z), fma(v.y * v.y, k, c), fma(vyz, k, -v.x)),
vec3(fma(vxz, k, -v.y), fma(vyz, k, v.x), fma(v.z * v.z, k, c))
vec4 tri_blend(vec4 value_a, vec4 value_b, vec4 value_c, vec3 weights) {
weights /= weights[0] + weights[1] + weights[2];
vec4 weighted_value = (
value_a * weights[0] +
value_b * weights[1] +
value_c * weights[2]
return weighted_value;
void vertex() {
// Obtain world space vertex and normal values.
w_vertex = (MODEL_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0)).xyz;
// Ensure Tangent/Binormal align with world space
TANGENT = normalize(p_align(vec3(-1.0, 0.0 , 0.0)) * w_normal);
BINORMAL = normalize(p_align(vec3(0.0, 0.0 , 1.0)) * w_normal);
void fragment() {
// If wanting per-pixel normals, eg. for terrain
//NORMAL = mat3(VIEW_MATRIX) * (w_normal);
//TANGENT = mat3(VIEW_MATRIX) * (p_align(vec3(-1.0, 0.0 , 0.0)) * w_normal);
//BINORMAL = mat3(VIEW_MATRIX) * (p_align(vec3(0.0, 0.0 , 1.0)) * w_normal);
// Vector 3's containing 3 orthogonal Projection vectors, and 1 set of 3 blending weights.
vec3[4] p_dir = d_normal(w_normal);
vec4 albedo_a = vec4(1), albedo_b = vec4(1), albedo_c = vec4(1);
vec4 normal_a = vec4(1), normal_b = vec4(1), normal_c = vec4(1);
vec2 p_uv[3] = vec2[3](
(p_align(p_dir[0]) * w_vertex).xz,
(p_align(p_dir[1]) * w_vertex).xz,
(p_align(p_dir[2]) * w_vertex).xz
if (p_dir[3][0] > 0.0) {
albedo_a = texture(albedo_tex, p_uv[0]);
normal_a = texture(normal_tex, p_uv[0]);
normal_a.rbg = (normal_a.rbg * 2.0 - 1.0);
if (p_dir[3][1] > 0.0) {
albedo_b = texture(albedo_tex, p_uv[1]);
normal_b = texture(normal_tex, p_uv[1]);
normal_b.rbg = (normal_b.rbg * 2.0 - 1.0);
if (p_dir[3][2] > 0.0) {
albedo_c = texture(albedo_tex, p_uv[2]);
normal_c = texture(normal_tex, p_uv[2]);
normal_c.rbg = (normal_c.rbg * 2.0 - 1.0);
vec4 out_albedo = tri_blend(albedo_a, albedo_b, albedo_c, p_dir[3]);
vec4 out_normal = normalize(tri_blend(normal_a, normal_b, normal_c, p_dir[3]));
ALBEDO = out_albedo.rgb;
NORMAL_MAP = (out_normal.rgb + 1.0) * 0.5;