Foliage animation
Animate your backgrounds tree, or grass, with X, Y movement and global wind waves.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform float x_intensity = 3.0;
uniform float y_intensity = 0.5;
uniform float offset = 0.0;
uniform float speed : hint_range(0, 20) = 2.0;
uniform float wave_frequency : hint_range(0, 100) = 20;
uniform float wave_length : hint_range(50, 800) = 200.0;
void fragment() {
vec2 real_uv = vec2(UV.x, UV.y);
vec2 vecToBottom = vec2(1, 1) - UV.y;
float distToBottom = length(vecToBottom);
float final_speed = TIME * (speed / 4.0) + offset;
float time_var = (cos(final_speed) * cos(final_speed * 4.0) * cos(final_speed * 2.0))/(200.0);
float time_var2 = (cos(final_speed) * cos(final_speed * 6.0) * cos(final_speed * 2.0))/(200.0);
float wave_from_x = (cos(real_uv.x * 100.0)/1000.0);
float wave_large_from_x = cos(TIME + (real_uv.x * wave_frequency))/wave_length;
float wave_from_y = (cos(real_uv.y * 99000.0)/90000.0);
float new_x = real_uv.x + time_var * (distToBottom * x_intensity) + wave_from_x + (wave_large_from_x);
float new_y = real_uv.y + time_var2 * (distToBottom * y_intensity);
vec2 new_uv1 = vec2(new_x, new_y);
vec4 new_texture = texture(TEXTURE, new_uv1);
if(new_texture.rgb != vec3(1,1,1)){
COLOR.rgba = new_texture.rgba;
Hey, thank you for such a great shader! And I am noob 🙂
I have MeshInstanse, with QuadMesh and Surface Material Override. This Surface Material Override has Albedo (main texture) and NormalMap. So, I’ve converted this Material Override to Shader. And then inserted your code.
But my shader has format: shader_type spatial;
So, I have an error in these lines:
I’ve tried to change ALBEDO or NORMAL MAP, but shader works weird: my main texture and normal map are not synchronized. This is my code for now: