Please Check this shader for effect type Megaman X how the power of ZERO
Play whit the values for diferent efects
You can use :
Line Shadow
Shadow Complete
Shadow Shine
Line Color
Shadow Shine Line
I stayed up a little late doing it for about 4 hours
I know almost nothing about shaders
so I hope you like it
Bear with me
Thanks for trying
Shader code
@LURGX 2024 ghost shine
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform bool shain = false; //Activate the rainbow or select you color
uniform bool onecolor = false; //Activate the rainbow or select you color
uniform vec4 line_color : hint_color = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);//color line
uniform float line_scale : hint_range(0, 1.5) = 1.0; // thickness of the line
uniform float shadow : hint_range(0, 1.6) = 1.6; // shadow lenght
uniform float shadow_mult : hint_range(0, 1.6) = 1.6; // shadow alpha
uniform float frequency : hint_range(0.0, 5.0) = 2; // frequency of the shine
uniform float transparency: hint_range(0.0, 5.0) = 0; // transparency of shadow/if you use a onecolor please up the transparency
void fragment() {
float alpha = 0.6;
vec2 size = TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE * line_scale;
float outline = texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(-size.x, 0)).a;
outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(0, size.y)).a;
outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(size.x, 0)).a;
outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(0, -size.y)).a;
outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(-size.x, size.y)).a;
outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(size.x, size.y)).a;
outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(-size.x, -size.y)).a;
outline += texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(size.x, -size.y)).a;
outline = min(outline, shadow*shadow_mult);
vec4 animated_line_color = vec4(0.5 + sin(2.0*3.14*frequency*TIME),
0.5 + sin(2.0*3.14*frequency*TIME + radians(120.0)) +transparency,
0.5 + sin(2.0*3.14*frequency*TIME + radians(240.0)),
alpha );
// alpha + cos(2.0*3.14*frequency*TIME + radians(240.0)));
vec4 one_color = vec4(line_color.r,line_color.g,line_color.b,0) + vec4(line_color.r * sin(frequency*2.0*TIME) + line_color.r-0.2,
line_color.g * sin(frequency*2.0*TIME) + line_color.g-0.2,
line_color.b * sin(frequency*2.0*TIME) + line_color.b-0.2,
alpha );
vec4 animated = vec4(line_color.r ,
vec4 color = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
if (onecolor == true){
COLOR = mix(color,one_color*transparency,outline+color.a);
if (shain == true && onecolor == false){
COLOR = mix(color,animated_line_color, outline + color.a);
else if (shain == false && onecolor == false){
COLOR = mix(color,animated, outline + color.a);