Green Screen – Chroma Key
This is a simple shader that allows to apply a chroma color key that will be replaced inside images or videos. The shader is based on this article and then converted into GODOT.
At the same time, the Chroma Key algorithm is based on the one used for an OBS Filter.
The shader is almost plug-and-play. Add it into the canvas material and then play with parameters.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec4 key_color : hint_color = vec4(0,1,0,1);
uniform float similarity : hint_range(0.0,1.0) = 0.4;
uniform float smoothness : hint_range(0.00,1.0) = 0.08;
uniform float spill : hint_range(0.0,1.0) = 0.1;
// From
vec2 RGBtoUV(vec3 rgb) {
return vec2(
rgb.r * -0.169 + rgb.g * -0.331 + rgb.b * 0.5 + 0.5,
rgb.r * 0.5 + rgb.g * -0.419 + rgb.b * -0.081 + 0.5
vec4 ProcessChromaKey(sampler2D tex,vec2 texCoord) {
vec4 rgba = texture(tex, texCoord);
float chromaDist = distance(RGBtoUV(texture(tex, texCoord).rgb), RGBtoUV(key_color.rgb));
float baseMask = chromaDist - similarity;
float fullMask = pow(clamp(baseMask / smoothness, 0., 1.), 1.5);
rgba.a = fullMask;
float spillVal = pow(clamp(baseMask / spill, 0., 1.), 1.5);
float desat = clamp(rgba.r * 0.2126 + rgba.g * 0.7152 + rgba.b * 0.0722, 0., 1.);
rgba.rgb = mix(vec3(desat, desat, desat), rgba.rgb, spillVal);
return rgba;
void fragment() {
COLOR = ProcessChromaKey(TEXTURE, UV);