Infinite custom texture scrolling with modifiers

The scrolling seems laggy because i didn’t loop the gif correctly. It looks fine inside of Godot. It has modifiers for your custom texture, how many times it should be repeated, scrolling speed, row offset and angle.

Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

uniform float scroll_speed : hint_range(0, 2) = 0.08;
uniform float angle_degrees : hint_range(0, 360) = 45.0;
uniform float repeat_x : hint_range(1, 20) = 20;
uniform float repeat_y : hint_range(1, 20) = 12;
uniform float row_offset : hint_range(0, 1) = 1;
uniform sampler2D texture_to_scroll;

void fragment() {
 float angle_rad = radians(angle_degrees);

 vec2 direction = vec2(cos(angle_rad), sin(angle_rad));

 vec2 offset_uv = UV - (TIME * scroll_speed * direction);

 float offset = fract(floor(offset_uv.y * repeat_y) * 0.5) > 0.0 ? (row_offset * 0.324) : 0.0;

 offset_uv.x += offset;

 vec2 scaled_uv = vec2(fract(offset_uv.x * repeat_x), 
              fract(offset_uv.y * repeat_y));

 vec2 texelSize = vec2(1.0) / vec2(textureSize(texture_to_scroll, 0));
 vec2 snappedUV = round(scaled_uv / texelSize) * texelSize;

 COLOR = texture(texture_to_scroll, snappedUV);
2d, animation, infinite, scrolling, texture
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