Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
// the left/right look amount. Ideally clamp this externally to prevent viewing edges
uniform float scroll = 0.0;
// keep positive to maintain pseudo3D effect.
uniform float displacement_scale = 2.0;
// easiest to just make this a curve texture, but making PNG gives a ton of control across the Y axis. Curve texture is just super smooth and doesn't have any issues with tearing.
uniform sampler2D displacement_map : hint_black;
void fragment(){
vec2 uv = UV + vec2(scroll, 0.0); // scroll the UV
float displacement = texture(displacement_map, UV).r; // pull amount from map
displacement *= displacement_scale; // scale
displacement *= (0.5 - uv.y); // transform based on distance from center horizontal
COLOR = texture(TEXTURE, uv + vec2(0.0, displacement));// pull source image, displaced by scroll and vertical stretch.