Pixel art trail
This shader creates a noise trail.
Don’t forget to change in your script the uniforms and to initialise the noise (and find the values for the noise that fit to your needs) !
In your Sprite’s script (get_parent() is the player), you can add:
extends Sprite
func _ready():
material.set_shader_param("nb_frames",Vector2(hframes, vframes))
func _process(delta):
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec2 frame_coords = vec2(0.0,0.0);
uniform vec2 nb_frames = vec2(0.0,0.0);
uniform vec2 velocity = vec2(0.0,0.0);
uniform float velocity_max = 300.0;
uniform float trail_size = 6.0;
uniform float alpha_start = 0.8;
uniform float alpha_tail = 0.2;
uniform float alpha_factor = 1.2;
uniform float noise_margin = 0.68;
uniform sampler2D noise;
vec2 get_mid_uv(vec2 coords, vec2 px_size) {
// récupérer les UV des milieux de ces px en partant du dernier
float px_mid_x = 1.0 - px_size.x / 2.0;
float px_mid_y = 1.0 - px_size.y / 2.0;
if (coords.x < 1.0)
px_mid_x = px_size.x * ( floor(coords.x / px_size.x) + 1.0 / 2.0 );
if (coords.y < 1.0)
px_mid_y = px_size.y * ( floor(coords.y / px_size.y) + 1.0 / 2.0 );
return vec2(px_mid_x, px_mid_y);
void fragment() {
COLOR = texture(TEXTURE,UV);
float UV_X = (UV.x * nb_frames.x - frame_coords.x);
float UV_Y = (UV.y * nb_frames.y - frame_coords.y);
vec2 uv = vec2(UV_X, UV_Y);
// Limite velocity à trail_size pixels max
vec2 v_dir = normalize(velocity);
float v_length = length(velocity) * trail_size / velocity_max;
float alpha_step = (alpha_start - alpha_tail) / trail_size;
float alpha = alpha_tail;
while (v_length > 0.0) {
vec2 velo = v_length * v_dir * TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE;
vec2 px_mid_uv = get_mid_uv(UV, TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE) + velo;
float noiseValue = texture(noise, px_mid_uv).r;
vec4 new_color = texture(TEXTURE, px_mid_uv);
if (noiseValue > noise_margin && new_color.a > 0.0) {
if (COLOR.a == 0.0) {
COLOR = new_color;
COLOR.a = new_color.a * alpha;
v_length -= 0.5;
alpha *= alpha_factor;
alpha = min(alpha,alpha_start);
I can’t understand how it works.
I’ve added it but can’t get it set up correctly, I’ve added the noise but can’t see it working.
yeah, same