Ripple effect

Made in version 4 beta 8

Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec3 color: source_color; 
uniform float num_cells: hint_range(2.0, 20.0, 1.0)=10.0; 
uniform float speed: hint_range(0.1,2.0, 0.01)=1.0;
uniform float smoothness: hint_range(0.5, 2.0, 0.01)=1.0; 
uniform float angle: hint_range(0.0, 360.0)=45.0; 

float rectanglef (vec2 uv, float width, float height, float feather){
	vec2 uv_cartesian = uv * 2.0 - 1.0; 
	vec2 uv_reflected = abs(uv_cartesian); 
	float dfx = smoothstep(width,width+feather,uv_reflected.x);
	float dfy = smoothstep(height,height+feather,uv_reflected.y); 
	return max(dfx,dfy); 

vec2 rotation ( vec2 uv, vec2 center, float ang){
	mat2 rotation = mat2(
					vec2(cos(ang), -sin(ang)), 
					vec2(sin(ang), cos(ang))
	uv -= center; 
	uv *= rotation; 
	uv += center; 
	return uv; 				 

void fragment(){	
	vec2 igrid = floor(UV * num_cells)/num_cells;

	igrid = rotation(igrid, vec2(0.5), angle * PI/180.0); 
	igrid.x += 2.0 - mod(TIME*speed,4.0); 
	vec2 fgrid = fract(UV * num_cells); 
	float rect_mask = rectanglef(igrid, 0.001,2.0,smoothness); 
	float grid_mask = 1.0 - rectanglef(fgrid,rect_mask,rect_mask,0.0); 
	float outline_mask = 1.0 - rectanglef(fgrid,rect_mask+0.1,rect_mask+0.1,0.0) - grid_mask; 
	vec3 outline = outline_mask * color; 
	vec3 tex = texture(TEXTURE,UV).rgb; 
	vec3 output = mix(tex,outline,outline_mask); 
	COLOR = vec4(output,outline_mask + grid_mask); 
grid, ripple
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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3 months ago

I added a fork to the repo for anyone that may need dual colors on the entire overlay, not just the outline. There is also an example on how to activate via script if you need more control.