Simple Highlight Effect

Uses an SDF provided by a LightOccluder2D object to create a highlight effect

Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
render_mode world_vertex_coords;

uniform float outline_width;
uniform vec2 lower_limit;
uniform vec2 upper_limit;

uniform vec4 color : source_color;

void vertex() {
	vec2 disp;
	// resizes the 
	switch (VERTEX_ID)
		case 0:
			disp = vec2(lower_limit.x, lower_limit.y);
		case 1:
			disp = vec2(lower_limit.x, upper_limit.y);
		case 2:
			disp = vec2(upper_limit.x, upper_limit.y);
		case 3:
			disp = vec2(upper_limit.x, lower_limit.y);
	VERTEX = disp;

void fragment() {
	float alpha;
	// use sdf to calculate the alpha of the highlight
	alpha = 1.0 - texture_sdf(screen_uv_to_sdf(SCREEN_UV)) / float(outline_width);
	COLOR = color;
	COLOR.a = alpha;
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30 days ago

My god, I can’t get this to work. I’ve tried much and brushed up on shaders again by reading and watching videos the last few days. At best, I can get a fully colored rect over where my sprite is in the editor. It does not appear when run, And if it did, It still would not be an outline but rather a fully colored rectangle over the sprite.

This is obviously user error ( me ) , But I thought I’d comment for some help or at least to warn others it MAY be tricky.

Regardless, Thanks for making the shader

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