Simple 2D Highlight
A simple 2D highlight shader for canvas items.
- Default Color – The default color of the item
- Shine Color – The color applied on the highlighted part
- Shine Angle – The angle of the highlight line in degrees
- Shine Duration – The time between each highlight effect
- Shine Speed – The speed at which the highlight line moves in pixels per second
- Shine Width – The width of the highlight line in pixels
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec4 default_color: source_color;
group_uniforms Shine;
uniform vec3 shine_color: source_color;
uniform float shine_angle = -45;
uniform float shine_duration = 5;
uniform float shine_speed = 800;
uniform float shine_width = 10;
void fragment()
COLOR = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
// Shine
float dist = abs(
sin(radians(shine_angle)) * coord.x +
cos(radians(shine_angle)) * coord.y +
mod(TIME * shine_speed, shine_duration * shine_speed) - shine_duration * shine_speed * 0.5f
COLOR *= dist <= shine_width ? vec4(shine_color, 1.f) : default_color;