sine wave camera view shader
a very simple screen space shader that makes camera view sine-wavey. i wrote a post about it for begineers. i name it as sea sickness or underwater shader. it can be used in places where you either want to show dizziness or when camera is below water. however, technically it simply modifies the UVs based on sine wave only.
Note: original cover image is a GIF of 14 MB. here max upload size is 2 MB so i could not upload the preview (but you can find it in the website link above).
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D screen_texture : hint_screen_texture;
void fragment() {
// Calculate UV coordinates
vec2 uv = SCREEN_UV;
// Offset the UV coordinates based on a sine wave
uv.x += sin(SCREEN_UV.y * 10.0 + TIME) * 0.01; // Adjust the frequency and amplitude as needed
uv.y += sin(SCREEN_UV.x * 10.0 + TIME) * 0.01;
// Sample the texture using the modified UV coordinates
COLOR = texture(screen_texture, uv);