Slice and Fade out
This shader allows you doing the oldschool “slice and fade” or “ninja fade” effect.
- offset : The UV offset (in x)
- fade : The max UV offset upon the fade out is complete (thus, if offset equals fade, the sprite disappears).
- strip : The stripe thichness in pixels.
- direction : The direction in which the sprite divides
Use an animation player to make a progression of offset from 0 to fade . Note that the optimal values of offset and fade depends on your taste. Please also note that the effect takes place in a sprite. If your sprite padding is not big enough, you won’t be able to perform the effect (unless you use a trick like enclosing the sprite into a wider container).
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec2 direction = vec2(.0, .5);
uniform float offset : hint_range(0., 1.);
uniform float fade : hint_range(0., 1.);
uniform float strip = 4.;
void fragment() {
vec2 norm = normalize(direction);
vec2 pdir = vec2(norm.y, -norm.x);
vec2 corrected_uv = UV + ((float(int(dot(pdir, pixels) / strip) & 0x1) * 2.) - 1.) * offset * pdir;
vec4 color = texture(TEXTURE, corrected_uv);
color.a *= clamp(1. - offset/fade, 0., 1.);
COLOR = color;
doesn’t work for me
What is the issue ?
Thank you very much! It can work ,very good