Square Pixelation
Since the other pixelation shaders I’ve seen have the “pixels” take on the aspect ratio of the image, here is a sqaure pixelation shader. Please don’t put pixel_size too high or Godot will crash, thanks.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform int pixel_size : hint_range(1, 100) = 1;
void fragment(){
vec2 square = vec2(float(pixel_size), float(pixel_size));
vec2 top_left = floor(pos / square) * square;
vec4 total = vec4(0., 0., 0., 0.);
for (int x = int(top_left.x); x < int(top_left.x) + pixel_size; x++){
for (int y = int(top_left.y); y < int(top_left.y) + pixel_size; y++){
total += texture(TEXTURE, vec2(float(x), float(y)) * TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE);
COLOR = total / float(pixel_size * pixel_size);
oh! bro you safe my game !
Awesome Shader!
Can you tell me what is the algorithm you use? This shader get the same effect as the Windows11 photo app. None of the resize method of OpenCV can do this. This is amazing!