
If you like this shader, you should check out Star Nest, a shadertoy port by Lyagva. It will likely produce better results than this shader.

This shader is a modification of iVader’s starfield shader for practice and personal use. Includes a lot more customizability via the shader parameters, and a few new effects. This is probably not the best written shader ever, I have very minimal experience inside Godot.

This shader doesn’t require any external scripts or textures, put the shader material in a compatible 2D node and it should work.

Various retroization effects included, methodology isn’t perfect. Updated 7/14/24 to incorporate dithering. Somewhat based off of Donitzo’s color dithering shader.

Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

//starfield customization
uniform float anim_speed : hint_range(-5.0, 5.0) = 0.0; 
uniform float star_brightness : hint_range(0.0, 0.5) = 0.05; 
//generally you should keep the brightness below 0.1, unless your distance fade is below .2
uniform float dust : hint_range(0.0, 0.25) = 0.125; 
uniform float dist_fade : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.35; 

uniform float pixelation : hint_range(50, 1000) = 1000.0;
//this pixelation method might produce different results on screens of different resolutions
//keep it at 1000 to keep it off entirely
uniform int quantization_levels : hint_range(1, 256) = 256;

uniform vec3 dust_color : source_color = vec3(0.0, 55.0, 75.0); 
uniform float saturation : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 1; 
// turning the saturation to 0 will remove the space dust completely due to how the shader works.
// reccomend turning the color to white, then desaturating to about 0.1 to retain the space dust.

//if you turn the layers down below 7.0 you will need to adjust the distance fade to avoid pop-in
uniform float layers : hint_range(1.0, 9.0) = 7.0; 
//rec. not going over 12
uniform int iterations : hint_range(1, 16) = 12;

const float formuparam2 = 0.79;
const float zoom = 1.0;
const float tile = 0.850;
const float stepsize = 0.29;

float triangle(float x, float a) { 
    return 2.0 * abs(3.0 * ((x / a) - floor((x / a) + 0.5))) - 1.0;

float field(in vec3 p) {    
    float strength = 7.0 + 0.03 * log(1.e-6 + fract(sin(TIME) * 373.11));
    float accum = 0.0;
    float prev = 0.0;
    float tw = 0.0;    

    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
        float mag = dot(p, p);
        p = abs(p) / mag + vec3(-0.5, -0.8 + 0.1 * sin(-TIME * 0.1 + 2.0), -1.1 + 0.3 * cos(TIME * 0.3));
        float w = exp(-float(i) / 7.0);
        accum += w * exp(-strength * pow(abs(mag - prev), 2.3));
        tw += w;
        prev = mag;
    return max(0.0, 5.0 * accum / tw - 0.7);

//color quantization
vec3 quantizeColor(vec3 color, int levels) {
    return floor(color * float(levels)) / float(levels);

//janky pixelation effect
// this will not translate well on screens of different resolutions and aspect ratios, keep it at 1000 to keep it off.
vec2 pixelate(vec2 uv) {
    if (pixelation < 1000.0) {
        return floor(uv * pixelation) / pixelation;
    } else {
        return uv;
void fragment() {
    vec2 uv2 = pixelate(FRAGCOORD.xy / vec2(512));
    vec2 uvs = uv2 * vec2(512) / 512.0;

    float time = TIME;
    float speed = anim_speed;
    float formuparam = formuparam2;

    vec2 uv = uvs;               
    float a_xz = 0.9;
    float a_yz = -0.6;
    float a_xy = 0.9 + time * 0.009;    
    mat2 rot_xz = mat2(vec2(cos(a_xz), sin(a_xz)), vec2(-sin(a_xz), cos(a_xz)));    
    mat2 rot_yz = mat2(vec2(cos(a_yz), sin(a_yz)), vec2(-sin(a_yz), cos(a_yz)));        
    mat2 rot_xy = mat2(vec2(cos(a_xy), sin(a_xy)), vec2(-sin(a_xy), cos(a_xy)));
    float v2 = 1.0;    
    vec3 dir = vec3(uv * zoom, 1.0); 
    vec3 from = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    from.x += cos(0.01 * time) + 0.001 * time;
    from.y += sin(0.01 * time) + 0.001 * time;
    from.z += 0.003 * time;    
    dir.xy *= rot_xy;
    vec3 forward = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); 
    forward.xy *= rot_xy;
    dir.xz *= rot_xz;
    forward.xz *= rot_xz;    
    dir.yz *= rot_yz;
    forward.yz *= rot_yz;
    from.xy *= -1.0 * rot_xy;
    from.xz *= rot_xz;
    from.yz *= rot_yz;

    float parallax = (time - 3311.0)  * speed * 0.1;
    from += forward * parallax;
    float sampleShift = mod(parallax, stepsize);
    float zoffset = -sampleShift;
    sampleShift /= stepsize;

    float s = 0.24;
    float s3 = s + stepsize / 2.0;
    vec3 v = vec3(0.0);
    float t3 = 0.0;    
    vec3 backCol2 = vec3(0.0);
    for (float r = 0.0; r < layers; r++) {
        vec3 p2 = from + (s + zoffset) * dir;
        vec3 p3 = from + (s3 + zoffset) * dir;
        p2 = abs(vec3(tile) - mod(p2, vec3(tile * 2.0)));
        p3 = abs(vec3(tile) - mod(p3, vec3(tile * 2.0)));        
        t3 = field(p3);
        float pa, a = pa = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
            p2 = abs(p2) / dot(p2, p2) - formuparam;
            float D = abs(length(p2) - pa);
            a += i > 7 ? min(12.0, D) : D;
            pa = length(p2);
        a *= a * a;
        float s1 = s + zoffset;
        float fade = pow(dist_fade, max(0.0, float(r) - sampleShift));
        v += fade;
        if (r == 0.0)
            fade *= (1.0 - sampleShift);
        if (r == layers - 1.0)
            fade *= sampleShift;

        float brightness = mix(0.4, 1.0, v2);
        vec3 starColor = dust_color * brightness * vec3(1.8 * t3 * t3 * t3, 1.4 * t3 * t3, t3) * fade;

        v += vec3(s1, s1 * s1, s1 * s1 * s1 * s1) * a * star_brightness * fade;
        backCol2 += starColor;

        s += stepsize;
        s3 += stepsize;        

    v = mix(vec3(length(v)), v, saturation);
    backCol2 = mix(vec3(length(backCol2)), backCol2, saturation);

    vec4 forCol2 = vec4(v * 0.01, 1.0);    
    backCol2 *= dust;    
    vec3 finalColor = forCol2.rgb + backCol2 * saturation;
    finalColor = quantizeColor(finalColor, quantization_levels);
    COLOR = vec4(finalColor, 1.0);
dither, dithering, extra-terrestiral, Galactic, galaxy, pixel, Pixelated, Pixels, retro, space, star, Starfield, Stars
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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3 months ago

It’s so beautiful

3 months ago
Reply to  GDevLearn

This one should have more likes, the shader is much better than the many others I’ve seen here