
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

uniform vec2 mouse;
uniform float time;

const int iterations = 12;
const float formuparam2 = 0.79;
const float volsteps = 7.0;
const float stepsize = 0.290;
const float zoom = 1.0;
const float tile = 0.850;
uniform float speed2 = 0.2;
const float brightness = 0.0015;
const float darkmatter = 0.100;
const float distfading = 0.560;
const float saturation = 0.90;

const float transverseSpeed = 1.0; //zoom;
const float cloud = 0.17;

float triangle(float x, float a) { 
	float output2 = 2.0*abs(  3.0*  ( (x/a) - floor( (x/a) + 0.5) ) ) - 1.0;
	return output2;
float field(in vec3 p) {	
	float strength = 7. + .03 * log(1.e-6 + fract(sin(time) * 373.11));
	float accum = 0.;
	float prev = 0.;
	float tw = 0.;	

	for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
		float mag = dot(p, p);
		p = abs(p) / mag + vec3(-.5, -.8 + 0.1*sin(-time*0.1 + 2.0), -1.1+0.3*cos(time*0.3));
		float w = exp(-float(i) / 7.);
		accum += w * exp(-strength * pow(abs(mag - prev), 2.3));
		tw += w;
		prev = mag;
	return max(0., 5. * accum / tw - .7);

void fragment() {
    vec2 uv2 = 2. * FRAGCOORD.xy / vec2(512) - 1.;
	vec2 uvs = uv2 * vec2(512)  / 512.;
	//float time = TIME;
	float time2 = time;               
    float speed = -speed2;
    speed = .005 * cos(time2*0.02 + 3.1415926/4.0);          
	//speed = 0.0;	
    float formuparam = formuparam2;
    	//get coords and direction	
	vec2 uv = uvs;		       
	//mouse rotation
	float a_xz = 0.9;
	float a_yz = -.6;
	float a_xy = 0.9 + time*0.08;	
	mat2 rot_xz = mat2(vec2(cos(a_xz),sin(a_xz)),vec2(-sin(a_xz),cos(a_xz)));	
	mat2 rot_yz = mat2(vec2(cos(a_yz),sin(a_yz)),vec2(-sin(a_yz),cos(a_yz)));		
	mat2 rot_xy = mat2(vec2(cos(a_xy),sin(a_xy)),vec2(-sin(a_xy),cos(a_xy)));
	float v2 =1.0;	
	vec3 dir=vec3(uv*zoom,1.); 
	vec3 from=vec3(0.0, 0.0,0.0);                               
        from.x -= 2.0*(mouse.x-0.5);
        from.y -= 2.0*(mouse.y-0.5);

	vec3 forward = vec3(0.,0.,1.);   
	from.x += transverseSpeed*(1.0)*cos(0.01*time) + 0.001*time;
	from.y += transverseSpeed*(1.0)*sin(0.01*time) +0.001*time;
	from.z += 0.003*time;	
	forward.xy *= rot_xy;
	forward.xz *= rot_xz;	
	dir.yz*= rot_yz;
	forward.yz *= rot_yz;
	from.yz*= rot_yz;
	float zooom = (time2-3311.)*speed;
	from += forward* zooom;
	float sampleShift = mod( zooom, stepsize );
	float zoffset = -sampleShift;
	sampleShift /= stepsize; // make from 0 to 1
	//volumetric rendering
	float s=0.24;
	float s3 = s + stepsize/2.0;
	vec3 v=vec3(0.);
	float t3 = 0.0;	
	vec3 backCol2 = vec3(0.);
	for (float r=0.0; r<volsteps; r++) {
		vec3 p2=from+(s+zoffset)*dir;// + vec3(0.,0.,zoffset);
		vec3 p3=from+(s3+zoffset)*dir;// + vec3(0.,0.,zoffset);
		p2 = abs(vec3(tile)-mod(p2,vec3(tile*2.))); // tiling fold
		p3 = abs(vec3(tile)-mod(p3,vec3(tile*2.))); // tiling fold		
		// #ifdef cloud
		t3 = field(p3);
		float pa,a=pa=0.;
		for (int i=0; i<iterations; i++) {
			p2=abs(p2)/dot(p2,p2)-formuparam; // the magic formula
			//p=abs(p)/max(dot(p,p),0.005)-formuparam; // another interesting way to reduce noise
			float D = abs(length(p2)-pa); // absolute sum of average change
			a += i > 7 ? min( 12., D) : D;
		//float dm=max(0.,darkmatter-a*a*.001); //dark matter
		a*=a*a; // add contrast
		//if (r>3) fade*=1.-dm; // dark matter, don't render near
		// brightens stuff up a bit
		float s1 = s+zoffset;
		// need closed form expression for this, now that we shift samples
		float fade = pow(distfading,max(0.,float(r)-sampleShift));		
		//t3 += fade;		
	       	//backCol2 -= fade;

		// fade out samples as they approach the camera
		if( r == 0.0 )
			fade *= (1. - (sampleShift));
		// fade in samples as they approach from the distance
		if( r == volsteps-1.0 )
			fade *= sampleShift;
		v+=vec3(s1,s1*s1,s1*s1*s1*s1)*a*brightness*fade; // coloring based on distance
		backCol2 += mix(.4, 1., v2) * vec3(1.8 * t3 * t3 * t3, 1.4 * t3 * t3, t3) * fade;

		s3 += stepsize;		
	v = mix(vec3(length(v)),v,saturation); //color adjust	

	vec4 forCol2 = vec4(v*.01,1.);	
	backCol2 *= cloud;	
	backCol2.b *= 1.8;
	backCol2.r *= 0.05;	
	backCol2.b = 0.5*mix(backCol2.g, backCol2.b, 0.8);
	backCol2.g = 0.0; = mix(,, 0.5*(cos(time*0.01) + 1.0));	
	COLOR = forCol2 + vec4(backCol2, 1.0);
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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1 year ago

it looks sooo good, much better than the preview.

Last edited 1 year ago by axilirate
1 year ago

Bro, this shader is really op.
Thank you so much!

1 year ago

Incredible shader, I will try and put this to good use

1 year ago

A static screenshot does not do this justice.

1 year ago

this looks a lot like a modified version of which is a port of
please cite your sources :/