Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
#define iResolution 1.0/SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE
#define iChannelResolution 1.0/TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE
#define fragColor COLOR
#define iTime TIME
uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
uniform float zoom : hint_range(0.1, 50.0, 0.1) = 1.0;
uniform float NUM_LAYERS = 7.;
uniform float brightness1 : hint_range(0.0, 1.1, 0.1) = 1.0;
uniform float brightness2 : hint_range(-20.0, 50.0, 0.1) = 0.5;
uniform float brightness3 : hint_range(-10.0, 20.0, 0.1) = 0.5;
uniform float twinkle = 1.0;
uniform float star_rays = 1.0;
uniform float speed : hint_range(0.0, 100.0, 0.1) = 1.0;
uniform vec3 color1 = vec3(0.498, 0.588, 1.128);
uniform vec3 color2 = vec3(0.303, 0.388, 0.273);
uniform vec3 color3 = vec3(1.763, 0.938, 0.787);
uniform vec3 color4 = vec3(-2.982, 1.818, 1.948);
uniform vec2 adjust_queue = vec2(123.34,456.821);
#define Threshold 0.1
#define iMouse vec4(0.0)
#define Intensity 1.5
#define BlurSize 3.0
vec3 palette (float t){
vec3 a = color1;
vec3 b = color2;
vec3 c = color3;
vec3 d = color4;
return a + b * cos (6.28318*(c*t+d) );
mat2 Rot(float a){
float s= sin(a), c=cos(a);
return mat2(vec2(c,-s),vec2(s,c));
float Hash21(vec2 p){
p = fract(p* adjust_queue);
p += dot(p,p+45.32);
return fract(p.x*p.y);
float Star (vec2 uv, float size, float baseRotation) {
float d = length(uv) * star_rays;
float m = 0.
// inverted circle
+smoothstep(.12,0.15,d)/7. * (size)
// glow
+0.01/d *(size*brightness2 +brightness3);
// circle
// rotate 45 deg
uv *= Rot(baseRotation);
float rays = 0.;
rays += (max(0.,1.-abs(pow(abs(uv.x),1.8)*uv.y*30000.))) ;
// rotate 45 deg
uv *= Rot(3.14159/4.);
rays += (max(0.,1.-abs(uv.x*uv.y* 3000.))) * .7 ;
m*= smoothstep(1.,0.2,d);
m+= rays* smoothstep(1.,0.2,d/(size));;
return m;
vec3 StarLayer(vec2 uv) {
vec3 col = vec3(0);
vec2 gv = fract(uv) -.5;
vec2 id = floor(uv);
for(int y=-1;y<=1;y++){
for(int x=-1;x<=1;x++){
vec2 offset = vec2(float(x),float(y));
float n = Hash21(id+offset); // random between 0 and 1
float size = fract (n*149.1)
* (sin(iTime*0.3 * twinkle +n *48.123)*.5+1.);
float star = Star(-offset + gv-(vec2(n,fract(n*34.))-0.5),smoothstep(.4,1.,size),-3.14159/10.);
vec3 color = palette(star/3. +iTime * 0.3 + fract(n*9438.7));
col += star*color;
return col;
vec4 Bloom (vec2 Coord, in sampler2D Tex, in float MipBias, vec2 iChanRes){
vec2 TexelSize = MipBias/iChanRes.xy;
vec4 Color = texture(Tex, Coord, MipBias);
Color += texture(Tex, Coord + vec2(TexelSize.x,0.0), MipBias);
Color += texture(Tex, Coord + vec2(-TexelSize.x,0.0), MipBias);
Color += texture(Tex, Coord + vec2(0.0,TexelSize.y), MipBias);
Color += texture(Tex, Coord + vec2(0.0,-TexelSize.y), MipBias);
Color += texture(Tex, Coord + vec2(TexelSize.x,TexelSize.y), MipBias);
Color += texture(Tex, Coord + vec2(-TexelSize.x,TexelSize.y), MipBias);
Color += texture(Tex, Coord + vec2(TexelSize.x,-TexelSize.y), MipBias);
Color += texture(Tex, Coord + vec2(-TexelSize.x,-TexelSize.y), MipBias);
return Color/9.0;
vec4 Blend(vec4 color, vec4 highlight){
return 1.0-(1.0-color)*(1.0-highlight*Intensity); //Screen Blend Mode
void fragment()
vec2 uv = UV;
float t = iTime *0.02;
vec2 M = 4.*UV;
uv += M*.4;
vec3 col = vec3(0);
for(float i=0.; i<1.; i+= 1./NUM_LAYERS){
float depth = fract (i + t * speed);
float scale = mix(10. * zoom,1.,depth);
col+= StarLayer(uv*scale+i*400.3 -M-t)*
// fade
smoothstep(1.,.9 * brightness1,depth)*depth;
//vec2 mappedUV = uv*vec2(0.5,1.)+0.5;
//vec4 inColor = texture(iChannel0,mappedUV);
//vec4 Highlight = clamp(Bloom(mappedUV,iChannel0, BlurSize, iChannelResolution)-Threshold,0.0,1.0)*1.0/(1.0-Threshold);
//col = col +;
//col = (col+ Blend(inColor, Highlight).xyz);
//(col+ Blend(inColor, Highlight).xyz)/2.;
fragColor = vec4(col,1.0);
This is the best thing I’ve seen today.