Texture based overlay (animated)
use a color gradient as opacity and 2 noise texture to make a fire/ice/smoke effect based on the texture alpha of the sprite (animated)
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D noise_texx1;
uniform sampler2D noise_texx2;
uniform vec4 color_texture : hint_color;
uniform sampler2D alpha_texture;
uniform vec2 dir1;
uniform vec2 dir2;
void fragment(){
vec4 main_texture = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
float dissolve_value = mix(0.5, 0.6, sin(TIME));
float noise_texture1 = texture(noise_texx1, UV + dir1 * TIME).r;
float noise_texture2 = texture(noise_texx1, UV + dir2 * TIME).r; //texture(noise_texx1, UV+vec2(10.0*sin(TIME/5.0),10.0*cos(TIME/5.0))/5.0);
vec2 energyx = vec2(noise_texture1 * noise_texture2);
vec4 noise_texture = texture(alpha_texture,energyx);
vec4 mult = (noise_texture*1.0);
//vec4 color_texture1 = texture(color_texture,UV);
main_texture = mult * color_texture;
main_texture.a *= texture(TEXTURE,UV).a;
COLOR = main_texture;