Texture-Based Color Swapper

This shader can detect black & white spots on a 2D texture, and change their color.

Here’s how i use it to change 4 different Sprite2D’s colors. Each of them use the same .png as texture. They are also the children of the Control node this code goes in.

extends Control

var outerLayerColor = Vector2(.28, .53)
var innerLayerColor = Vector2(.21, .72)
var shader_material

func _ready() -> void:

	for uiElement in get_child_count(): # I'm using a Control node with 4 circle sprite children.
		var variation = randf_range(.14,.40)

		get_child(uiElement).material = ShaderMaterial.new()
		get_child(uiElement).material.shader = preload("res://shaders/uiCircleColor.gdshader")
		shader_material = get_child(uiElement).material as ShaderMaterial

		shader_material.set_shader_parameter("outer_layer", Color.from_hsv(variation, outerLayerColor.x, outerLayerColor.y))
		shader_material.set_shader_parameter("inner_layer", Color.from_hsv(variation, innerLayerColor.x, innerLayerColor.y))


		shader_material.set_shader_parameter("white_threshold", .5)
		shader_material.set_shader_parameter("black_threshold", 1)
Shader code
// A shader by edgyneer
shader_type canvas_item;

// Exported color variables for easy adjustment in code or the editor
uniform vec3 outer_layer = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
uniform vec3 inner_layer = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

// Threshold for detecting white and black colors
uniform float white_threshold = 0.9;
uniform float black_threshold = 0.1;

void fragment() {
    vec4 tex_color = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
    if (tex_color.r > white_threshold && tex_color.g > white_threshold && tex_color.b > white_threshold) {
        // If the color is close to white, set it to the selected color
        COLOR = vec4(outer_layer, tex_color.a);
    } else if (tex_color.r < black_threshold && tex_color.g < black_threshold && tex_color.b < black_threshold) {
        // If the color is close to black, set it to the selected color
        COLOR = vec4(inner_layer, tex_color.a);
    } else {
        // Keep other colors the same
        COLOR = tex_color;
Color, color change, color swap
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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