Texture Masking
What it does
This shader maps a texture into other texture/sprite depending on position within the target texture, its size and the zoom pretended.
hidden_texture – The texture to be revealed
position – position of our object within the given hidden_texture
zoom – basically how modified the size of the mask’s texture is (could be used to simulate a magnifying lense, for example). If you want a one per one representation of the hidden_texture make this param the scale/size of the corresponsing texture/sprite
size – how modified do we want the target hidden_texture to be. As a point of comparison, use the scale of a sprite with the hidden_texture assigned to it
Use Cases
– Revealing only part of an image (https://reallyokeyfruit.itch.io/bye-bye-birdy)
– Simulating Magnifying glass
How it works
It maps each UV coordinate of the main texture taking into account all parameters, using the following equation: (position.x + (UV.x - 0.5) * zoom * float(textureSize(TEXTURE, 0).x))) / (float(textureSize(hidden_texture, 0).x) * size) + 0.5;
Then it changes that UV coordinate’s color, if the alpha in that specific coordinate is bigger then 0, to the corresponding color in the hidden_texture
Godot Version: 4.1
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D hidden_texture;
uniform vec2 position = vec2(0, 0);
uniform float zoom = 1.0;
uniform float size = 10.0;
void fragment() {
vec4 main_color = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
float UV_target_x =
(position.x +
((UV.x - 0.5) * zoom * float(textureSize(TEXTURE, 0).x)))
/ (float(textureSize(hidden_texture, 0).x) * size)
+ 0.5;
float UV_target_y =
(position.y +
((UV.y - 0.5) * zoom * float(textureSize(TEXTURE, 0).y)))
/ (float(textureSize(hidden_texture, 0).y) * size)
+ 0.5;
if (main_color.a != 0.0) {
COLOR.rgba = texture(hidden_texture, vec2(UV_target_x, UV_target_y)).rgba;