Volumetric nebulae/clouds

This shader uses volumetric raymarching for rendering nebulae or clouds.

Also its has still some issues and is not “production ready”. It’s rather a starting point or inspiration for your own shader.

You can find more info in the GitHub repository.

Shader code
shader_type spatial;
render_mode unshaded;
render_mode cull_back;
render_mode depth_draw_never;


uniform float _totalBrightness;

uniform int _maxSteps;
uniform float _stepSize;
uniform vec3 _rdRotation;

uniform vec3 _lightDir;
uniform float _maxLightDistance;
uniform float _transmissionThreshhold;
uniform float _lightStepSize;
uniform float _lightDensityScale;
uniform int _maxLightSteps;

uniform vec3 _volumeOffset;
uniform vec3 _volumeRotation;
uniform vec3 _volumeScale;

uniform float _densityScale;
uniform float _darknessThreshhold;
uniform float _transmittance;
uniform float _lightAbsorb;

uniform float _epsilon;

uniform sampler2D _gradientTex;
uniform vec4 _gradientTex_ST;
uniform sampler3D _volumeTex;

varying	vec3 ro;
varying	vec3 hitPos;
varying	vec3 normal;
varying vec3 worldSpaceCameraPos;

mat2 rot(float angle){
  float s = sin(angle);
  float c = cos(angle);
  return mat2(vec2(c, -s), vec2(s, c));

void rotateX(inout vec3 p, float angle){
  p.xy = p.xy * rot(angle);

void rotateY(inout vec3 p, float angle){
  p.xz = p.xz * rot(angle);

void rotateZ(inout vec3 p, float angle){
  p.yz = p.yz * rot(angle);

void rotate(inout vec3 p, vec3 euler){
  rotateX(p, euler.x);
  rotateY(p, euler.y);
  rotateZ(p, euler.z);

float getScene(vec3 p){
    p /= _volumeScale;
    rotate(p, radians(_volumeRotation));
	p += 0.5;
	return texture(_volumeTex, p + _volumeOffset).r;

bool outOfBounds(vec3 currentPos) {

      #if defined(USE_BOX_BORDER)
		return (max(abs(currentPos.x), max(abs(currentPos.y), abs(currentPos.z))) > 0.5f + _epsilon);
		return false;

bool outOfBoundsLight(vec3 lightPos) {
	 #if defined(USE_BOX_BORDER)
		return (max(abs(lightPos.x), max(abs(lightPos.y), abs(lightPos.z))) > 0.5f + _maxLightDistance);
		return false;

vec4 raymarch(vec3 rayOrigin, vec3 rayDirection) {

    float density = 0.;
    float transmission = 0.;
    float lightAccumulation = 0.;
    float finalLight = 0.;
    vec3 lightingResult = vec3(0);

	float transmittance = _transmittance;

    vec3 marchVector = rayDirection * _stepSize;

    vec3 lightVector = -normalize(_lightDir) * _lightStepSize;
    vec3 currentPos = rayOrigin.xyz;

    float densityFactor = _densityScale * 0.001;

    for (int i = 0; i < _maxSteps; i++) {
        currentPos += marchVector;

		if (outOfBounds(currentPos)) continue;

        float sampledDensity = getScene(currentPos);
        density += sampledDensity * densityFactor;

        #if defined(USE_PERFORMANCE_MODE)
            lightAccumulation += sampledDensity * _lightDensityScale;
            vec3 lightRo = currentPos;
            for(int j = 0; j < _maxLightSteps; j++){
                lightRo += lightVector;

				if(transmittance < _transmissionThreshhold || outOfBoundsLight(lightRo)) break;

                float lightDensity = getScene(lightRo);
                lightAccumulation += lightDensity * _lightDensityScale;

        float lightTransmission = exp(-lightAccumulation);
        float shadow = _darknessThreshhold + lightTransmission * (1.0 - _darknessThreshhold);
        finalLight += density * transmittance * shadow;
        transmittance *= exp(-density * _lightAbsorb);

    transmission = exp(-density);
    lightingResult = vec3(finalLight, transmission, transmittance);

	vec2 uv = vec2(finalLight * 2., finalLight) * _gradientTex_ST.xy + _gradientTex_ST.zw;
	uv.x = mix(0., uv.x, transmission);
	uv.y = mix(0., uv.y, transmission);
    vec4 gradientColor = texture(_gradientTex, uv);

	vec4 resultColor = gradientColor * finalLight;
	resultColor.a = (1. - transmittance);

    return resultColor;

void vertex() {
  hitPos = VERTEX;
  ro = (inverse(MODELVIEW_MATRIX) * vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)).xyz;
  worldSpaceCameraPos = CAMERA_POSITION_WORLD;

void fragment() {
	#if defined(RENDER_REVERSE)
		vec3 _ro = ro;
		vec3 rd = normalize(hitPos - ro.xyz);
		_ro += rd * _stepSize * float(_maxSteps);
		rd = - rd;
		vec4 col = raymarch(_ro, rd);
		vec3 rd = normalize(hitPos - ro.xyz);
		vec4 col = raymarch(ro, rd);

		ALBEDO.xyz = clamp(col.xyz * _totalBrightness, 0., 1.) ;
		ALPHA = col.w;
3d, cloud, nebula, raymarching, Spatial, volumetric
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

Related shaders

Volumetric Clouds

Volumetric Raymarched (animated) Clouds v2

Volumetric Billboards (3D Texture sampled by plane stacking)

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3 months ago

Nice, thanks for sharing!