Wavy Texture
Waves the texture around. Inspired by wibbly wobbly.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
// The amplitude of the wave.
uniform float waveAmplitude: hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.25;
// If true corrects the Vertexes to adjust for the UV displacement
uniform bool correctVertex = true;
// The frequency of the wave.
uniform float waveFrequency: hint_range(0.0, 100.0) = 10.0;
// If true the texture waves vertically otherwise horizontally.
uniform bool verticalWave = true;
// If true the sprite will deform to match the waves, otherwise we keep the background color clamped.
uniform bool keepTransparency = true;
// If true the TIME constant is used, otherwise progress is used to move the wave.
uniform bool useTime = true;
// If useTime is true then use this as a multiplier for the wave speed.
uniform float waveSpeed: hint_range(0.0, 100.0) = 1.0;
// If useTime is false then use this as a multiplier for the wave progress.
uniform float progress: hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.0;
// How much of the left or top half of the texture is modified.
uniform float firstHalf: hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.5;
// How much of the right or bottom half of the texture is modified.
uniform float secondHalf: hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.5;
// Keeps one half stuck. Useful for things like flags.
uniform bool freezeFirstHalf = false;
// Keeps one half stuck. Useful for things like flags.
uniform bool freezeSecondHalf = false;
void vertex() {
if (correctVertex) {
VERTEX = (verticalWave ? vec2(VERTEX.x, VERTEX.y * (1.0 + waveAmplitude)): vec2(VERTEX.x * (1.0 + waveAmplitude), VERTEX.y));
void fragment() {
vec2 uv = UV;
float waveUv = (verticalWave ? uv.x : uv.y);
float againstWaveUv = (verticalWave ? uv.y: uv.x);
float freezeFactor = 1.0;
if (freezeFirstHalf) {freezeFactor = waveUv;} else if (freezeSecondHalf) {freezeFactor = 1.0 - waveUv;}
if (againstWaveUv < firstHalf || againstWaveUv > 1.0 - secondHalf) {
float wave;
// Progress based on time or progress variable.
if (useTime) {
wave = freezeFactor * sin(waveUv * waveFrequency + TIME * waveSpeed) * (waveAmplitude / 4.0);
} else {
wave = freezeFactor * sin(waveUv * waveFrequency + progress * 2.0 * PI) * (waveAmplitude / 4.0);
vec2 aspect = vec2(TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.x / TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.y, 1.0);
vec2 center = 0.5 * aspect;
// Wave the UV.
uv -= center;
if (verticalWave) {
uv.y += wave;
uv.y += uv.y * waveAmplitude;
} else {
uv.x += wave;
uv.x += uv.x * waveAmplitude;
uv += center;
// Clamp the UVs to prevent texture wrapping.
uv = clamp(uv, vec2(0.0), vec2(1.0));
againstWaveUv = (verticalWave ? uv.y : uv.x);
vec4 texColor = texture(TEXTURE, uv);
// Apply the calculated color.
if (keepTransparency) {
if (againstWaveUv <= 0.0 || againstWaveUv >= 1.0) {
COLOR.a = 0.0;
} else {
COLOR = texColor;
} else {
COLOR = texColor;