Anisotropic Kuwahara Filter
Adapted from Unity implementation by Acerola
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D _MainTex : hint_screen_texture;
// Controls kernel diameter
uniform int _KernelSize = 4;
// Controls kernel segments
const int _N = 8;
// Controls high frequency detail
uniform float _Hardness = 8.0;
// Controls sharpness of "paint splotches"
uniform float _Sharpness = 8.0;
// Controls alpha value
const float _Alpha = 1.0;
// Controls kernel threshold
const float _ZeroCrossing = 0.58;
// Controls polynomial weights distribution, high numbers equivalent to blurring image
uniform float _Zeta = 0.1;
float gaussian(float sigma, float pos)
return (1.0f / sqrt(2.0f * PI * sigma * sigma)) * exp(-(pos * pos) / (2.0f * sigma * sigma));
vec4 sobel(vec2 screen_size, vec2 uv)
// Calculate Sobel to approximate structure tensor
vec2 d = screen_size.xy;
vec3 sobel_x = (
1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(-d.x, -d.y)).rgb +
2.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(-d.x, 0.0)).rgb +
1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(-d.x, d.y)).rgb +
-1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(d.x, -d.y)).rgb +
-2.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(d.x, 0.0)).rgb +
-1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(d.x, d.y)).rgb
) / 4.0f;
vec3 sobel_y = (
1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(-d.x, -d.y)).rgb +
2.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2( 0.0, -d.y)).rgb +
1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2( d.x, -d.y)).rgb +
-1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(-d.x, d.y)).rgb +
-2.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2( 0.0, d.y)).rgb +
-1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2( d.x, d.y)).rgb
) / 4.0f;
// Structure Tensor (4x4 matrix)
return vec4(dot(sobel_x, sobel_x), dot(sobel_y, sobel_y), dot(sobel_x, sobel_y), 1.0);
vec4 blur(vec4 tensor, vec2 uv, vec2 d)
// Gaussian Blur
int kernelRadius = 5;
vec4 col = vec4(0.0);
float kernelSum = 0.0;
// Blur x pass
for (int x = -kernelRadius; x <= kernelRadius; x++)
// Apply gaussian weights to current pixel color multiplied by tensor
vec4 c = tensor * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(float(x), 0.0) * d.xy);
float gauss = gaussian(2.0, float(x));
// Return current pixel color multiplied by weight
col += c * gauss;
kernelSum += gauss;
// Normalize color
col = col / kernelSum;
// Blur y pass
for (int y = -kernelRadius; y <= kernelRadius; y++)
// Apply gaussian weights to current pixel color multiplied by tensor
vec4 c = tensor * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(0.0, float(y)) * d.xy);
float gauss = gaussian(2.0, float(y));
// Return current pixel color multiplied by weight
col += c * gauss;
kernelSum += gauss;
// Normalize color
return vec4(col / kernelSum);
vec4 scaling_factor(vec4 t)
// Calculate Eigenvalues
float lambda1 = 0.5 * (t.x + t.y + sqrt(t.x * t.x - 2.0 * t.x * t.y + t.y * t.y + 4.0 * t.z * t.z));
float lambda2 = 0.5 * (t.x + t.y - sqrt(t.x * t.x - 2.0 * t.x * t.y + t.y * t.y + 4.0 * t.z * t.z));
// Calculate and Normalize Eigenvector
vec2 v = vec2(lambda1 - t.x, -t.z);
vec2 n = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
if (length(v) > 0.0)
n = normalize(v);
n = vec2(0.0, 1.0);
// Angle relative to x-axis of Eigenvector
float phi = -atan(n.y / n.x);
// Scaling Factor
float A = 0.0;
if (lambda1 + lambda2 > 0.0)
A = (lambda1 - lambda2) / (lambda1 + lambda2);
// Kernel deform factors
return vec4(n, phi, A);
vec4 kuwahara(vec2 n, float phi, float A, vec2 d, vec2 uv)
// Kuwahara Filter
int radius = _KernelSize / 2;
float a = float((radius)) * clamp((_Alpha + A) / _Alpha, 0.1, 2.0);
float b = float((radius)) * clamp(_Alpha / (_Alpha + A), 0.1, 2.0);
// Displace kernel
float cos_phi = cos(phi);
float sin_phi = sin(phi);
mat2 R = mat2(vec2(cos_phi, -sin_phi), vec2(sin_phi, cos_phi));
mat2 S = mat2(vec2(0.5 / a, 0.0), vec2(0.0, 0.5 / b));
mat2 SR = matrixCompMult(S, R);
// Find kernel radius
int max_x = int(sqrt(a * a * cos_phi * cos_phi + b * b * sin_phi * sin_phi));
int max_y = int(sqrt(a * a * sin_phi * sin_phi + b * b * cos_phi * cos_phi));
// Contrast threshold
float sinZeroCross = sin(_ZeroCrossing);
float eta = (_Zeta + cos(_ZeroCrossing)) / (sinZeroCross * sinZeroCross);
// Initialize weighting matrices
vec4 m[8];
vec3 s[8];
for (int k = 0; k < _N; k++)
m[k] = vec4(0.0);
s[k] = vec3(0.0);
// Calculate Kuwahara filter weights
for (int y = -max_y; y <= max_y; y++)
for(int x = -max_x; x <= max_x; x++)
vec2 vec = SR * vec2(float(x), float(y));
// Calculates weight if within shifted radius
if (dot(vec, vec) <= 0.25)
vec3 c = texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(float(x), float(y)) * d).rgb;
c = clamp(c, 0.0, 1.0);
float sum = 0.0;
float w[8];
float z, vxx, vyy;
// Polynomial Weights
vxx = _Zeta - eta * vec.x * vec.x;
vyy = _Zeta - eta * vec.y * vec.y;
z = max(0, vec.y + vxx);
w[0] = z * z;
sum += w[0];
z = max(0, -vec.x + vyy);
w[2] = z * z;
sum += w[2];
z = max(0, -vec.y + vxx);
w[4] = z * z;
sum += w[4];
z = max(0, vec.x + vyy);
w[6] = z * z;
sum += w[6];
vec = sqrt(2.0) / 2.0 * vec2(vec.x - vec.y, vec.x + vec.y);
vxx = _Zeta - eta * vec.x * vec.x;
vyy = _Zeta - eta * vec.y * vec.y;
z = max(0, vec.y + vxx);
w[1] = z * z;
sum += w[1];
z = max(0, -vec.x + vyy);
w[3] = z * z;
sum += w[3];
z = max(0, -vec.y + vxx);
w[5] = z * z;
sum += w[5];
z = max(0, vec.x + vyy);
w[7] = z * z;
sum += w[7];
float g = exp(-3.125 * dot(vec, vec)) / sum;
// Calculates polynomial weight
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
float wk = w[k] * g;
m[k] += vec4(c * wk, wk);
s[k] += c * c * wk;
// Calculates output color
vec4 output = vec4(0.0);
for (int k = 0; k < _N; ++k)
m[k].rgb /= m[k].w;
s[k] = abs(s[k] / m[k].w - m[k].rgb * m[k].rgb);
float sigma2 = s[k].r + s[k].g + s[k].b;
float w = 1.0 / (1.0 + pow(_Hardness * 1000.0 * sigma2, 0.5 * _Sharpness));
output += vec4(m[k].rgb * w, w);
// Normalize color output
return clamp(output / output.w, 0.0, 1.0);
void fragment()
vec4 tensor = sobel(SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE, UV);
vec4 fac = scaling_factor(tensor);
vec4 blur = blur(fac, UV, SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE);
vec4 output = kuwahara(blur.xy, blur.z, blur.w, SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE, UV);
COLOR = output;
Here’s an animated demo