液体进度条像素版-2D Pixel Liquid Fill Inside Sphere







Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

uniform vec3 backFillColour : source_color = vec3(0.62,1.00,1.00);
uniform vec3 frontFillInnerColour : source_color = vec3(0.35,1.00,1.00);
uniform vec3 frontFillOuterColour : source_color = vec3(0.00,0.35,1.00);
uniform vec3 ringColour : source_color = vec3(0.00,0.16,0.13);
uniform vec3 fresnelColour : source_color = vec3(0.00,0.88,1.00);
uniform vec3 innerRingGlowColour : source_color = vec3(0.00,1.00,1.00);
uniform vec4 fillcolour : source_color = vec4(1);
uniform float ringWidth = 0.15;
uniform float innerCircleRadiusOffset = 0.0;
//uniform float fill_value : hint_range(-1, 3.0) = 0.25;
uniform float fill_per : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 1.0;

uniform float resolution = 16.0;

// 定义函数:计算点到圆弧的距离
float sdArc(in vec2 p, in vec2 sc, in float ra, float rb)
    // sc is the sin/cos of the arc's aperture
	//sc 是圆弧孔径的 sin/cos
    p.x = abs(p.x);
    return ((sc.y*p.x>sc.x*p.y) ? length(p-sc*ra) : 
                                  abs(length(p)-ra)) - rb;
// 计算2D旋转矩阵
mat2 Get2DRotationMatrix(float angle) {
    float c = cos(angle);
    float s = sin(angle);
	vec2 V1 = vec2(c, -s);
	vec2 V2 = vec2(s, c);
    return mat2(V1,V2);

void fragment() {
	vec2 pixel_uv = round(UV * resolution*2.0-resolution) / resolution;

    vec2 uv = ((pixel_uv / -0.48)) + vec2(1.038,1.038);
	//vec2 uv = ((UV / -0.48)) + vec2(1.038,1.038);//默认最佳参数
    vec2 normalizedCenteredUV = ((FRAGCOORD.xy / SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE.xy) - 0.5) * 2.0;
    //float aspectRatio = SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE.x / SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE.y;
    //vec2 uv = vec2(normalizedCenteredUV.x * aspectRatio, normalizedCenteredUV.y);}
    // Get circle SDF -> clip 3x circles.
    //获取圆 SDF -> 剪出 3x 圆。        
    float circleSDF = length(pixel_uv);
    //const float ringWidth = 0.15;//环的宽度
    //const float innerCircleRadiusOffset = 0.0;//玻璃球与环的间隔
    float oneMinusRingWidth = 1.0 - ringWidth;
    // 2x circles used to generate outer ring.
	//2x 个圆圈用于生成外环。
    float circleA = step(circleSDF, 1.0);
    float circleB = step(circleSDF, oneMinusRingWidth);
    float ring = circleA - circleB;
    // 1x circle used for the actual container/shell (as its mask).
	//1x 用于实际容器/外壳的圆圈(作为其遮罩)。
    float fillMaskCircle = step(circleSDF, oneMinusRingWidth - innerCircleRadiusOffset);
    // Ring glow.
    float ringGlowCircleSDF = circleSDF - 1.0;
    const float innerRingGlowRadiusOffset = 0.15;
    float innerRingGlow = ringGlowCircleSDF + innerRingGlowRadiusOffset;    
    float outerRingGlow = ringGlowCircleSDF;   
    const float outerRingGlowWidth = 0.01;
    float outerRingGlowPower = 0.8;
    const float innerRingGlowWidth = 0.01;
    const float innerRingGlowPower = 1.2;
    const float outerRingGlowAnimation = 12.0;
    const float outerRingGlowAnimationRange = 0.2;    
    innerRingGlow = pow(innerRingGlowWidth / innerRingGlow, innerRingGlowPower);
    innerRingGlow = clamp(innerRingGlow - fillMaskCircle, 0.0, 1.0); 
    outerRingGlowPower += (sin(TIME * outerRingGlowAnimation) * outerRingGlowAnimationRange);
    outerRingGlow = pow(outerRingGlowWidth / outerRingGlow, outerRingGlowPower);
    outerRingGlow = clamp(outerRingGlow - fillMaskCircle, 0.0, 1.0);
    // Progress/fill. Animated.
	//进度/填充。 动画。
    const float fillAnimationFrequency = 4.0;
    const float fillAnimationAmplitude = 0.05;
    float fillAnimationPhase = TIME * fillAnimationFrequency;
    float fillAnimation = sin(fillAnimationPhase) * fillAnimationAmplitude;
    const float waveFrequency = 2.0;
    const float waveAmplitude = 0.05;
    const float waveAnimation = 2.0;
    // Waves as repeating sine/band offsets to the horizontal gradient.
    float frontWavePhase = (TIME * waveAnimation) + uv.x;
    float backWavePhase = (TIME * -waveAnimation) + uv.x;
    frontWavePhase *= waveFrequency;
    backWavePhase *= waveFrequency;
    const float backWavesPhaseOffset = PI;
    float frontWaves = sin(frontWavePhase) * waveAmplitude;
    float backWaves = sin(backWavePhase + backWavesPhaseOffset) * waveAmplitude;
    float verticalBand = sin(uv.x + (PI * 0.5)) - 0.3;
    verticalBand = smoothstep(0.1, 0.9, verticalBand);
    // Stretch waves up/down near center, synced as they bob up/down.
    const float animatedVerticalBandStrength = 0.125;
    float animatedVerticalBand = verticalBand * animatedVerticalBandStrength;
    animatedVerticalBand *= sin(TIME * fillAnimationFrequency);
    frontWaves += animatedVerticalBand;
    backWaves -= animatedVerticalBand;
    // Pinch sides (mask by the vertical gradient band) so they don't move.
    fillAnimation *= verticalBand;
    // Centered fill progress.居中填充进度。
    // 0.0 = center 中心, -0.5 = bottom 底部, 0.5 = top 顶部.
    float fillProgressAnimationFrequency = 1.0;
    float fillProgressAnimationAmplitude = 0.1;
    float fillProgress = fill_per*4.0-1.0;//填充进度(fill_per/100)*4-1
    fillProgress += sin((TIME * fillProgressAnimationFrequency) * PI) * fillProgressAnimationAmplitude;
    //fillProgress = (fillProgress - 0.5) * 2.0; 
    float frontFill = step(uv.y, (fillAnimation + frontWaves) + fillProgress);
    float backFill = step(uv.y, (-fillAnimation + backWaves) + fillProgress);
    frontFill *= fillMaskCircle;
    backFill *= fillMaskCircle;
    // Mask back fill to only parts that would be visible separate from frontFill.
    backFill = clamp(backFill - frontFill, 0.0, 1.0);
    float fillMask = 1.0 - (frontFill + backFill);
    fillMask *= fillMaskCircle;
    float fill = frontFill + backFill;
    // Simple edge glow using radial gradient (circle SDF).
	//使用径向渐变(圆形 SDF)的简单边缘发光。
    const float fresnelOffset = 0.01;
    float fresnel = (circleSDF + fresnelOffset) * fillMask;    
    const float fresnelPower = 5.0;
    fresnel = clamp(pow(fresnel, fresnelPower), 0.0, 1.0);
    const float frontFillFresnelPower = 5.0;
    const float frontFillFresnelOffset = 0.02;
    float frontFillFresnel = (circleSDF + frontFillFresnelOffset) * (1.0 - fillMask);
    frontFillFresnel = clamp(pow(frontFillFresnel, frontFillFresnelPower), 0.0, 1.0);
    // Specular reflection, drawn (stylized, like a cartoon) as two arcs.
    float specularArcAngle1 = radians(15.0);
    float specularArcAngle2 = radians(2.0);
    float specularArcRotation1 = radians(60.0);
    float specularArcRotation2 = radians(28.0);
    vec2 specularArcSC1 = vec2(sin(specularArcAngle1), cos(specularArcAngle1));
    vec2 specularArcSC2 = vec2(sin(specularArcAngle2), cos(specularArcAngle2));
    const float specularArcOffset = 0.35;
    const float specularArcWidth = 0.07;
    vec2 specularArcUV1 = Get2DRotationMatrix(specularArcRotation1) * uv;
    vec2 specularArcUV2 = Get2DRotationMatrix(specularArcRotation2) * uv;
    float specularArc1 = sdArc(specularArcUV1, specularArcSC1, 1.0 - specularArcOffset, specularArcWidth);
    float specularArc2 = sdArc(specularArcUV2, specularArcSC2, 1.0 - specularArcOffset, specularArcWidth);
    specularArc1 = step(specularArc1, 0.0);
    specularArc2 = step(specularArc2, 0.0);
    const float specularStrength = 0.2;
    float specular = specularArc1 + specularArc2;
    specular *= specularStrength;
    // Final mask. Can be used as alpha.
	//最后的遮罩。 可以用作透明通道。
    float mask = ring + fill + fresnel + specular;
    // Per-mask RGB colour.
	//每个蒙版 RGB 颜色。
    //const vec3 ringColour = vec3(1.0, 0.9, 0.8);//环的颜色
    //const vec3 frontFillInnerColour = vec3(1.0, 0.2, 0.1);//前景填充靠里的颜色
    //const vec3 frontFillOuterColour = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);//前景填充靠边的颜色
    vec3 frontFillColour = mix(frontFillInnerColour, frontFillOuterColour, frontFillFresnel);
    //const vec3 backFillColour = vec3(0.5, 0.0, 0.0);//背景填充颜色
    const vec3 specularColour = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.9);//高光颜色
    //const vec3 fresnelColour = vec3(0.5, 0.0, 0.3);//玻璃罩阴影颜色
    //const vec3 innerRingGlowColour = vec3(1.0, 0.3, 0.1);//内环发光颜色
    const vec3 outerRingGlowColour = vec3(1.0, 0.8, 0.1);//外环发光颜色
    vec3 rgb =
        (ring * ringColour) +
        (innerRingGlow * innerRingGlowColour) +
        (outerRingGlow * outerRingGlowColour) +
        ((frontFill * frontFillColour) +
        (backFill * backFillColour))*fillcolour.rbg +
        (fresnel * fresnelColour) +
        (specular * specularColour);
    // Background gradient. Just for presentation.
	//背景渐变。 只是为了演示。
    const float backgroundGradientPower = 0.6;
    float backgroundGradient = length(normalizedCenteredUV);
    backgroundGradient = pow(backgroundGradient, backgroundGradientPower);
    backgroundGradient = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, backgroundGradient);//第一个参数是背景阴影的亮度
    vec3 backgroundGradientInnerColour = vec3(0.13, 0.0, 0.4);
    vec3 backgroundGradientOuterColour = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);//背景外玻璃颜色
    vec3 background = mix(backgroundGradientInnerColour, backgroundGradientOuterColour, backgroundGradient);
    // Simply add the background to the composite so far.
    background = clamp(background - (fill + ring), 0.0, 1.0);//背景-(填充+环),亮度参数1,亮度参数2
    const float backgroundStrength = 0.65;//背景强度    
    background *= backgroundStrength;
    rgb += background;
    // Output to screen.将颜色输出到屏幕
	COLOR = vec4(rgb, mask);
像素,Pixel,进度条,Progress Bar,液体,Liquid
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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5 months ago

This is amaaaaazing thank you soo much!