3D Glitch
This shader randomly move vertices and shift texture colors
How to use:
Just apply shader as material on MeshInstance3D and set albedo texture in shader params. Enjoy!
Inspired by this shader
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
// Glitch intensity
uniform float shake_power = 0.5;
// Probability
uniform float shake_rate : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.5;
uniform float shake_speed = 5.0;
// Hard to describe, change it and monitor result
uniform float shake_block_size = 30.5;
uniform float shake_color_rate : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.5;
uniform sampler2D main_tex : filter_nearest, source_color;
varying float enable_shift;
float random(float seed) {
return fract(sin(seed * 12345.678) * 43758.5453);
void vertex() {
float adjusted_time = mod(TIME, 5.0);
enable_shift = float(random(trunc(adjusted_time * shake_speed)) < shake_rate);
float offset_x = (random((trunc(VERTEX.y * shake_block_size) / shake_block_size) + adjusted_time) - 0.5) * shake_power * enable_shift;
VERTEX.x += offset_x;
void fragment() {
float adjusted_time = mod(TIME, 5.0);
vec2 fixed_uv = UV;
fixed_uv.x += (
random((trunc(UV.y * shake_block_size) / shake_block_size) + adjusted_time) - 0.5
) * shake_power * enable_shift;
vec4 pixel_color = texture(main_tex, fixed_uv);
pixel_color.r = mix(
texture(main_tex, fixed_uv + vec2(shake_color_rate, 0.0)).r,
pixel_color.b = mix(
texture(main_tex, fixed_uv + vec2(-shake_color_rate, 0.0)).b,
ALBEDO = pixel_color.rgb;