Anisotropic Kuwahara Filter

Adapted from Unity implementation by Acerola


Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

uniform sampler2D _MainTex : hint_screen_texture;

// Controls kernel diameter
uniform int _KernelSize = 4;
// Controls kernel segments
const int _N = 8;

// Controls high frequency detail
uniform float _Hardness = 8.0;
// Controls sharpness of "paint splotches"
uniform float _Sharpness = 8.0;
// Controls alpha value
const float _Alpha = 1.0;
// Controls kernel threshold
const float _ZeroCrossing = 0.58;
// Controls polynomial weights distribution, high numbers equivalent to blurring image
uniform float _Zeta = 0.1;

float gaussian(float sigma, float pos)
	return (1.0f / sqrt(2.0f * PI * sigma * sigma)) * exp(-(pos * pos) / (2.0f * sigma * sigma));

vec4 sobel(vec2 screen_size, vec2 uv)
	// Calculate Sobel to approximate structure tensor
	vec2 d = screen_size.xy;
	vec3 sobel_x = (
		1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(-d.x, -d.y)).rgb +
		2.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(-d.x,  0.0)).rgb +
		1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(-d.x,  d.y)).rgb +
		-1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(d.x, -d.y)).rgb +
		-2.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(d.x,  0.0)).rgb +
		-1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(d.x,  d.y)).rgb
		) / 4.0f;
	vec3 sobel_y = (
		1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(-d.x, -d.y)).rgb +
		2.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2( 0.0, -d.y)).rgb +
		1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2( d.x, -d.y)).rgb +
		-1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(-d.x, d.y)).rgb +
		-2.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2( 0.0, d.y)).rgb +
		-1.0f * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2( d.x, d.y)).rgb
		) / 4.0f;
	// Structure Tensor (4x4 matrix)
	return vec4(dot(sobel_x, sobel_x), dot(sobel_y, sobel_y), dot(sobel_x, sobel_y), 1.0);

vec4 blur(vec4 tensor, vec2 uv, vec2 d)
	// Gaussian Blur
	int kernelRadius = 5;
	vec4 col = vec4(0.0);
	float kernelSum = 0.0;
	// Blur x pass
	for (int x = -kernelRadius; x <= kernelRadius; x++)
		// Apply gaussian weights to current pixel color multiplied by tensor
		vec4 c = tensor * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(float(x), 0.0) * d.xy);
		float gauss = gaussian(2.0, float(x));
		// Return current pixel color multiplied by weight
		col += c * gauss;
		kernelSum += gauss;
	// Normalize color
	col = col / kernelSum;
	// Blur y pass
	for (int y = -kernelRadius; y <= kernelRadius; y++)
		// Apply gaussian weights to current pixel color multiplied by tensor
		vec4 c = tensor * texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(0.0, float(y)) * d.xy);
		float gauss = gaussian(2.0, float(y));
		// Return current pixel color multiplied by weight
		col += c * gauss;
		kernelSum += gauss;
	// Normalize color
	return vec4(col / kernelSum);

vec4 scaling_factor(vec4 t)
	// Calculate Eigenvalues
	float lambda1 = 0.5 * (t.x + t.y + sqrt(t.x * t.x - 2.0 * t.x * t.y + t.y * t.y + 4.0 * t.z * t.z));
	float lambda2 = 0.5 * (t.x + t.y - sqrt(t.x * t.x - 2.0 * t.x * t.y + t.y * t.y + 4.0 * t.z * t.z));

	// Calculate and Normalize Eigenvector
	vec2 v = vec2(lambda1 - t.x, -t.z);
	vec2 n = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
	if (length(v) > 0.0)
		n = normalize(v);
		n = vec2(0.0, 1.0);
	// Angle relative to x-axis of Eigenvector
	float phi = -atan(n.y / n.x);
	// Scaling Factor
	float A = 0.0;
	if (lambda1 + lambda2 > 0.0)
		A = (lambda1 - lambda2) / (lambda1 + lambda2);
	// Kernel deform factors
	return vec4(n, phi, A);

vec4 kuwahara(vec2 n, float phi, float A, vec2 d, vec2 uv)
	// Kuwahara Filter
	int radius = _KernelSize / 2;
	float a = float((radius)) * clamp((_Alpha + A) / _Alpha, 0.1, 2.0);
	float b = float((radius)) * clamp(_Alpha / (_Alpha + A), 0.1, 2.0);
	// Displace kernel
	float cos_phi = cos(phi);
	float sin_phi = sin(phi);
	mat2 R = mat2(vec2(cos_phi, -sin_phi), vec2(sin_phi, cos_phi));
	mat2 S = mat2(vec2(0.5 / a, 0.0), vec2(0.0, 0.5 / b));
	mat2 SR = matrixCompMult(S, R);
	// Find kernel radius
	int max_x = int(sqrt(a * a * cos_phi * cos_phi + b * b * sin_phi * sin_phi));
	int max_y = int(sqrt(a * a * sin_phi * sin_phi + b * b * cos_phi * cos_phi));
	// Contrast threshold
	float sinZeroCross = sin(_ZeroCrossing);
	float eta = (_Zeta + cos(_ZeroCrossing)) / (sinZeroCross * sinZeroCross);
	// Initialize weighting matrices
	vec4 m[8];
	vec3 s[8];
	for (int k = 0; k < _N; k++)
		m[k] = vec4(0.0);
		s[k] = vec3(0.0);
	// Calculate Kuwahara filter weights
	for (int y = -max_y; y <= max_y; y++)
		for(int x = -max_x; x <= max_x; x++)
			vec2 vec = SR * vec2(float(x), float(y));
			// Calculates weight if within shifted radius
			if (dot(vec, vec) <= 0.25)
				vec3 c = texture(_MainTex, uv + vec2(float(x), float(y)) * d).rgb;
				c = clamp(c, 0.0, 1.0);
				float sum = 0.0;
				float w[8];
				float z, vxx, vyy;
				// Polynomial Weights
				vxx = _Zeta - eta * vec.x * vec.x;
				vyy = _Zeta - eta * vec.y * vec.y;
				z = max(0, vec.y + vxx); 
				w[0] = z * z;
				sum += w[0];
				z = max(0, -vec.x + vyy); 
				w[2] = z * z;
				sum += w[2];
				z = max(0, -vec.y + vxx); 
				w[4] = z * z;
				sum += w[4];
				z = max(0, vec.x + vyy); 
				w[6] = z * z;
				sum += w[6];
				vec = sqrt(2.0) / 2.0 * vec2(vec.x - vec.y, vec.x + vec.y);
				vxx = _Zeta - eta * vec.x * vec.x;
				vyy = _Zeta - eta * vec.y * vec.y;
				z = max(0, vec.y + vxx); 
				w[1] = z * z;
				sum += w[1];
				z = max(0, -vec.x + vyy); 
				w[3] = z * z;
				sum += w[3];
				z = max(0, -vec.y + vxx); 
				w[5] = z * z;
				sum += w[5];
				z = max(0, vec.x + vyy); 
				w[7] = z * z;
				sum += w[7];
				float g = exp(-3.125 * dot(vec, vec)) / sum;
				// Calculates polynomial weight
				for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
					float wk = w[k] * g;
					m[k] += vec4(c * wk, wk);
					s[k] += c * c * wk;
	// Calculates output color
	vec4 output = vec4(0.0);
    for (int k = 0; k < _N; ++k) 
    	m[k].rgb /= m[k].w;
		s[k] = abs(s[k] / m[k].w - m[k].rgb * m[k].rgb);

		float sigma2 = s[k].r + s[k].g + s[k].b;
		float w = 1.0 / (1.0 + pow(_Hardness * 1000.0 * sigma2, 0.5 * _Sharpness));

		output += vec4(m[k].rgb * w, w);
	// Normalize color output
	return clamp(output / output.w, 0.0, 1.0);

void fragment() 
	vec4 tensor = sobel(SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE, UV);
	vec4 fac = scaling_factor(tensor);
	vec4 blur = blur(fac, UV, SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE);
	vec4 output = kuwahara(blur.xy, blur.z, blur.w, SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE, UV);

	COLOR = output;
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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3 months ago

Here’s an animated demo