Cast Texture To Surface
Extremly basic and simple shader for casting a image texture onto a surface.
It features scale, offset and basic color mixing.
It is a nice starting point for learning or more complex shaders.
– Create new Shader Material
– Create new shader and paste the shader code
– add your texture of choice and play with other parameters
The texture used in screenshot is low-res so it looks so bad. Use higher quality images for better result. (duh)
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
uniform sampler2D tex : filter_linear_mipmap, repeat_enable;
//texture to be casted. Change to repeat_disable if needed
uniform vec2 tex_offset = vec2(0.0);
//texture image offset
uniform vec2 tex_scale = vec2(1.0);
//texture image scale
uniform vec3 tex_color_shift : source_color = vec3(1.0);
//color to be mixed with texture image
vec2 scale(vec2 uv, float x, float y)
//scale function taken from snippets page
mat2 scale = mat2(vec2(x, 0.0), vec2(0.0, y));
uv -= 0.5;
uv = uv * scale;
uv += 0.5;
return uv;
void fragment() {
vec2 uv = vec2(1.0 - UV.y, UV.x);
//rotate UV correctly (change if image is facing wrong way)
uv = scale(uv, tex_scale.x, tex_scale.y) + (tex_offset * 0.5);
//apply scale and offset
vec3 tex_uv = texture(tex, uv).xyz;
//extract color from texture on uv cordinates
ALBEDO = tex_uv * tex_color_shift;
//apply mix of extracted color and tex_color_shift color