Surface Embedded Sprites
A technique originally developed by Valve for Portal 2’s gels: (see slides 65-86)
UV islands are mapped out in the RG channels of uv_map
, and the alpha channel is used for masking. Parallax offset is applied to give the surface a bit more depth. You can find my example textures here.
Sidenote – the original presentation describes the transformation matrix being constructed in the vertex shader, but it turns out this looks really bad on low-poly geometry and the final game actually does it in the pixel shader (thanks DETOX for sleuthing).
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
uniform sampler2D albedo : source_color;
uniform vec2 tiling = vec2(1.0);
uniform vec2 offset = vec2(0.0);
group_uniforms sprite_mapping;
uniform sampler2D uv_map;
uniform sampler2D sprite : source_color, repeat_disable;
uniform vec2 uv_tiling = vec2(1.0);
uniform vec2 uv_offset = vec2(0.0);
uniform float depth = 0.0;
void fragment() {
// Construct sprite transformation matrix
mat3 tangent_view_matrix = mat3(TANGENT, -BINORMAL, NORMAL);
mat3 sprite_matrix = mat3(vec3(1, 0, 0) * tangent_view_matrix, vec3(0), -VIEW * tangent_view_matrix);
sprite_matrix[1] = normalize(cross(sprite_matrix[0], sprite_matrix[2]));
sprite_matrix[0] = cross(sprite_matrix[2], sprite_matrix[1]);
// Apply UV map and parallax
vec4 sprite_uv_map = texture(uv_map, UV * uv_tiling + uv_offset);
vec2 sprite_uv = sprite_uv_map.xy;
sprite_uv -= sprite_matrix[2].xy / sprite_matrix[2].z * depth;
// Rotate UV coordinates
sprite_uv -= 0.5;
vec2 transformed_uv = vec2(dot(sprite_matrix[0].xy, sprite_uv), dot(sprite_matrix[1].xy, sprite_uv));
transformed_uv += 0.5;
vec4 surface_embedded_sprite = texture(sprite, transformed_uv);
float sprite_mask = sprite_uv_map.a * surface_embedded_sprite.a;
ALBEDO = texture(albedo, UV * tiling + offset).rgb;
ALBEDO = mix(ALBEDO, surface_embedded_sprite.rgb, sprite_mask);