Dirt Cleaning Shader

Hey everyone.

This is updated for Godot 4.3

This shader simulates cleaning a surface of a plane for a “Dirt Cleaning” effect.

After searching online for a while I coudn’t find any other tutorials that seemed to be straight forward for a simple plane so I made this.

It works by using a Collider for the plane, passing a raycast at the mouse coordinates, then translating those coordinates to local coordinates to the plane mesh. Then drawing on a mask and giving the new mask to the shader to remove the dirt.

You will have to modify how collision is handled most likely for your game. 

I also added a way to calculate how much of the dirt has been cleaned. 

Shader code
shader_type spatial;

uniform sampler2D clean_texture;
uniform sampler2D dirty_texture;
uniform sampler2D dirt_mask;

// Control for the amount of dirtiness applied
uniform float dirt_strength : hint_range(0.0, 1.0);

void fragment() {
    // Sample colors from the clean and dirty textures
    vec4 clean_color = texture(clean_texture, UV);
    vec4 dirty_color = texture(dirty_texture, UV);

    // Sample the dirt mask (typically a grayscale texture)
    float mask_value = texture(dirt_mask, UV).r;

    // Adjust the mask by dirt_strength to control the blending
    float adjusted_mask = mask_value * dirt_strength;

    // Final blend factor considering both the mask and the dirty texture's alpha
    float blend_factor = adjusted_mask * dirty_color.a;

    // Blend the clean and dirty colors, preserving some of the clean texture's influence
    vec4 final_color = mix(clean_color, dirty_color, blend_factor);

    // For ALPHA, use the higher of clean or dirty alpha to ensure visibility
    ALBEDO = final_color.rgb;
    ALPHA = max(clean_color.a, blend_factor);
clean, cleaning, dirt, draw, reveal, shader, wipe, wiping
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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