Fast Starnest
Origin shader from
A beautiful yet simple shader.
Play with parameter to see all kinds of amazing thing this shader can do.
I use low precision in the iterations to speed up the caculation at least twice as fast. Not sure if it will cause any problem.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
render_mode unshaded;
uniform int iterations = 20;
uniform float formuparam = 1.00;
uniform int volsteps = 20;
uniform float stepsize = 0.1;
uniform float zoom = 0.800;
uniform float tile = 0.5;
uniform float speed = 0.001;
uniform float brightness = 0.002;
uniform float darkmatter = 0.100;
uniform float distfading = 0.650;
uniform float saturation = 0.750;
float SCurve (float value) {
if (value < 0.5)
return value * value * value * value * value * 16.0;
value -= 1.0;
return value * value * value * value * value * 16.0 + 1.0;
void fragment()
vec2 iResolution = 1.0 / SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE;
//get coords and direction
vec2 uv=FRAGCOORD.xy/iResolution.xy;
vec3 dir=vec3(uv*zoom,1.);
float time=TIME*speed;
vec3 from=vec3(1.0,0.5,0.5);
//volumetric rendering
float s=0.1,fade=1.;
vec3 v=vec3(0.);
for (int r=0; r<volsteps; r++) {
lowp vec3 p=from+s*dir*0.5;
p = abs(vec3(tile)-mod(p,vec3(tile*2.))); // tiling fold
lowp float pa,a=pa=0.;
for (int i=0; i<iterations; i++) {
p=abs(p)/dot(p,p)-formuparam; // the magic formula
a+=abs(length(p)-pa); // absolute sum of average change
lowp float dm=max(0.,darkmatter-a*a*.001); //dark matter
a = pow(a, 2.3); // add contrast
if (r>6) fade*=1.-dm; // dark matter, don't render near
v+=vec3(s,s*s,s*s*s*s)*a*brightness*fade; // coloring based on distance
fade*=distfading; // distance fading
v=mix(vec3(length(v)),v,saturation); //color adjust
vec4 C = vec4(v*.01,1.);
C.r = pow(C.r, 0.35);
C.g = pow(C.g, 0.36);
C.b = pow(C.b, 0.38);
vec4 L = C;
COLOR.r = mix(L.r, SCurve(C.r), 0.7);
COLOR.g = mix(L.g, SCurve(C.g), 1.0);
COLOR.b = mix(L.b, SCurve(C.b), 0.2);