Fire dissolve shader
This shader can be used to dissolve an object to make it look like it’s burning.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
// Use a NoiseTexture2D
uniform sampler2D noise_texture;
// Use a GradientTexture1D
uniform sampler2D burn_texture;
// Change this value to dissolve the object
uniform float integrity: hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 1.0;
// How large the burn is
uniform float burn_size: hint_range(1.0, 1.5) = 1.3;
// Inverse lerp function
// Converts the value v from the range [a, b] to the range [0, 1]
float inverse_lerp(float a, float b, float v) {
return (v - a) / (b - a);
// Called for every pixel the material is visible on
void fragment() {
// Sample the noise texture
// Multiply by UV.y to scale the effect vertically
// Use (1.0 - UV.y) to change direction or UV.x for horizontal
float noise = texture(noise_texture, UV).r * UV.y;
// Sample the base color of the texture
// The step function returns 1 when integrity > noise or 0 when integrity < noise
vec4 base_color = texture(TEXTURE, UV) * step(noise, integrity);
// Compute the UVs for the burn texture
// Covert the range [integrity, integrity * burn_size] to a [0.0, 1.0] range
vec2 burn_uv = vec2(inverse_lerp(integrity, integrity * burn_size, noise), 0.0);
// Sample the burn texture using a higher edge in the step function
vec4 burn_color = texture(burn_texture, burn_uv) * step(noise, integrity * burn_size);
// Lerp between the end colors
COLOR = mix(burn_color, base_color, base_color.a);
How to make work on AnimatedSprite3D?
Amazing. Thank you.