Floyd-Steinberg Dither
FLoyd-Steinberg Dither (Like)
Adaption from Shadertoy
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
// classic floyd steinberg
// source: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4sjGRD
const float lookupSize = 64.0;
const float errorCarry = 0.3;
uniform sampler2D screen_texture : hint_screen_texture, repeat_disable, filter_nearest;
// Test picture free for use CC0 Licence
// https://free-images.com/display/artistic_conception_green_689793.html
float getGrayscale(vec2 coords, vec2 iResolution){
vec2 uv = coords / iResolution.xy;
uv.y = 1.0-uv.y;
vec3 sourcePixel = texture(screen_texture, uv).rgb;
return length(sourcePixel*vec3(0.2126,0.7152,0.0722));
void fragment() {
vec2 iResolution = 1.0 / SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE;
int topGapY = int(iResolution.y - FRAGCOORD.y);
int cornerGapX = int((FRAGCOORD.x < 10.0) ? FRAGCOORD.x : iResolution.x - FRAGCOORD.x);
int cornerGapY = int((FRAGCOORD.y < 10.0) ? FRAGCOORD.y : iResolution.y - FRAGCOORD.y);
int cornerThreshhold = ((cornerGapX == 0) || (topGapY == 0)) ? 5 : 4;
// Place fragment code here.
if (cornerGapX+cornerGapY < cornerThreshhold) {
COLOR = vec4(0,0,0,1);
} else if (topGapY < 20) {
if (topGapY == 19) {
COLOR = vec4(0,0,0,1);
} else {
COLOR = vec4(1,1,1,1);
else {
float xError = 0.0;
for(float xLook=0.0; xLook<lookupSize; xLook++){
float grayscale = getGrayscale(FRAGCOORD.xy + vec2(-lookupSize+xLook,0),iResolution);
grayscale += xError;
float bit = grayscale >= 0.5 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
xError = (grayscale - bit)*errorCarry;
float yError = 0.0;
for(float yLook=0.0; yLook<lookupSize; yLook++){
float grayscale = getGrayscale(FRAGCOORD.xy + vec2(0,-lookupSize+yLook),iResolution);
grayscale += yError;
float bit = grayscale >= 0.5 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
yError = (grayscale - bit)*errorCarry;
float finalGrayscale = getGrayscale(FRAGCOORD.xy,iResolution);
finalGrayscale += xError*0.5 + yError*0.5;
float finalBit = finalGrayscale >= 0.5 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
COLOR = vec4(finalBit,finalBit,finalBit,1);
what about node? you need to create new shader in material and paste the code
This site is for material Code only. Apply this to a ColorRect in a Contol Node as Shader.
it renders for me as upside-down
In Godot 4, this is expected as this shader was written for Godot 3 and its upside-down viewport conventions (inherited from OpenGL).
Remove this line from the shader:
Restricted by white color? You can easily add color at the final line of COLOR. * 0.5 at first variable gives teal color. Damn, this is too good to be true. Peak Scifi horror.
Im just rendering a black texture… what im doing wrong? using 4.2.1