Crosshair (Godot 4)

A crosshair shader for Godot. Works as material attached to a Color Rect. You can adjust the spread, size, sides etc. Just play around.

See and Crosshair.tscn on the Github, to see how a tween is implemented to control the spread. The crosshair seems to disappear sometimes, however. 


Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
// Mostly translated from Material Maker

// Translation x,y, Rotation of rectangles
uniform float shift_x:hint_range(-0.25, 0.15, 0.01) = 0.00;
uniform float shift_y:hint_range(-0.25, 0.15, 0.01) = 0.0;
uniform float shift_rotate:hint_range(-1.42, 1.42, 0.01) = 0.00;

// Crosshair Color
// Uniform color
uniform vec4 crosshair_color:source_color=vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);

// uniform spread
uniform float spread:hint_range(0.0, 0.15, 0.001) = 0.00;

// uniform sides
// more sides -> smoother shape
uniform float shape_sides:hint_range(3.0, 15.0, 1.0) = 4.0;
uniform float radius_rectangle:hint_range(0.09, 0.2, 0.01) = 0.14;

// Gradient for Transparancy
const float p_o363960_gradient_0_pos = 0.321493253;
const float p_o363960_gradient_0_r = 1.000000000;
const float p_o363960_gradient_0_g = 1.000000000;
const float p_o363960_gradient_0_b = 1.000000000;
const float p_o363960_gradient_0_a = 0.000000000;
const float p_o363960_gradient_1_pos = 0.885129062;

// Translations rotations
// Rotation Rectangle 1
const float p_o170470_translate_y = 0.245000000;
const float p_o170470_rotate = 90.000000000;

uniform float rectangle_size_x:hint_range(1.0,1.3,0.01)=1.30;
uniform float rectangle_scale:hint_range(2.0, 5.0, 0.01)=3.0;
//const float p_o170470_scale_x = 1.320000000;

// Drawing rectangles
// Variables for drawing rectangles, see Material Maker Nodes
const float p_o170467_edge = 0.00;
const float p_o170470_translate_y_2 = -0.2450;
const float p_o170470_translate_y_3 = 0.0;
const float p_o170470_rotate_3 = 180.0;

// Drawing rectangles
float shape_polygon(vec2 uv, float sides, float size, float edge) {
    uv = 2.0*uv-1.0;
	edge = max(edge, 1.0e-8);
    float angle = atan(uv.x, uv.y)+3.14;
    float slice = 6.28/sides;
    return clamp((1.0-(cos(floor(0.5+angle/slice)*slice-angle)*length(uv))/size)/edge, 0.0, 1.0);

// Transformation functions
vec2 transform2_clamp(vec2 uv) {
	return clamp(uv, vec2(0.0), vec2(1.0));

vec2 transform2(vec2 uv, vec2 translate, float rotate, vec2 scale) {
 	vec2 rv;
	uv -= translate;
	uv -= vec2(0.5);
	rv.x = cos(rotate)*uv.x + sin(rotate)*uv.y;
	rv.y = -sin(rotate)*uv.x + cos(rotate)*uv.y;
	rv /= scale;
	rv += vec2(0.5);
	return rv;	

// Gradient Function for making transparency
vec4 o363960_gradient_gradient_fct(float x,vec4 crosshaircolor) {
  float p_o363960_gradient_1_r=crosshaircolor.r;
  float p_o363960_gradient_1_g=crosshaircolor.g;
  float p_o363960_gradient_1_b=crosshaircolor.b;
  float p_o363960_gradient_1_a=crosshaircolor.a;

  if (x < 0.5*(p_o363960_gradient_0_pos+p_o363960_gradient_1_pos)) {
    return vec4(p_o363960_gradient_0_r,p_o363960_gradient_0_g,p_o363960_gradient_0_b,p_o363960_gradient_0_a);
  return vec4(p_o363960_gradient_1_r,p_o363960_gradient_1_g,p_o363960_gradient_1_b,p_o363960_gradient_1_a);

void fragment() {

float p_o474661_color_r = 1.0;
float p_o474661_color_g = 0.0;
float p_o474661_color_b = 0.0;
float p_o474661_color_a = 1.0;
// Shift translations
float p_o170470_translate_x_3 = 0.2+ shift_x;
float p_o170470_translate_x_4 = -0.2+ shift_x;
float p_o170470_scale_y = rectangle_size_x/rectangle_scale;
// Make Polygons	
float o170467_0_1_f = shape_polygon((transform2_clamp(transform2((UV), vec2(shift_x*(2.0*1.0-1.0), -shift_y+p_o170470_translate_y*(2.0*1.0-1.0)+spread), (1.0+shift_rotate)*p_o170470_rotate*0.01745329251*(2.0*1.0-1.0), vec2(rectangle_size_x*(2.0*1.0-1.0), p_o170470_scale_y*(2.0*1.0-1.0))))), shape_sides, radius_rectangle*1.0, p_o170467_edge*1.0);
float o170467_0_1_h = shape_polygon((transform2_clamp(transform2((UV), vec2(shift_x*(2.0*1.0-1.0), -shift_y+p_o170470_translate_y_2*(2.0*1.0-1.0)-spread), (1.0+shift_rotate)*p_o170470_rotate*0.01745329251*(2.0*1.0-1.0), vec2(rectangle_size_x*(2.0*1.0-1.0), p_o170470_scale_y*(2.0*1.0-1.0))))),shape_sides, radius_rectangle*1.0, p_o170467_edge*1.0);
float o170467_0_1_i = shape_polygon((transform2_clamp(transform2((UV), vec2(p_o170470_translate_x_3*(2.0*1.0-1.0)+spread, -shift_y+p_o170470_translate_y_3*(2.0*1.0-1.0)), (shift_rotate)*p_o170470_rotate_3*0.01745329251*(2.0*1.0-1.0), vec2(rectangle_size_x*(2.0*1.0-1.0), p_o170470_scale_y*(2.0*1.0-1.0))))),shape_sides, radius_rectangle*1.0, p_o170467_edge*1.0);
float o170467_0_1_j = shape_polygon((transform2_clamp(transform2((UV), vec2(p_o170470_translate_x_4*(2.0*1.0-1.0)-spread, -shift_y+p_o170470_translate_y_3*(2.0*1.0-1.0)), (shift_rotate)*p_o170470_rotate_3*0.01745329251*(2.0*1.0-1.0), vec2(rectangle_size_x*(2.0*1.0-1.0), p_o170470_scale_y*(2.0*1.0-1.0))))), shape_sides, radius_rectangle*1.0, p_o170467_edge*1.0);

// Add Polygons
float o339862_0_clamp_false = o170467_0_1_f+o170467_0_1_h;
float o339862_0_clamp_false_2 = o339862_0_clamp_false+o170467_0_1_i;
float o339862_0_clamp_false_3 = o339862_0_clamp_false_2 +o170467_0_1_j;
float o339862_0_clamp_true = clamp(o339862_0_clamp_false_3, 0.0, 1.0);
float o339862_0_2_f = o339862_0_clamp_false_3;

// Calculations for gradients
vec4 o474661_0_1_rgba = vec4(p_o474661_color_r, p_o474661_color_g, p_o474661_color_b, p_o474661_color_a);
vec3 o483667_0_clamp_false = ((o474661_0_1_rgba).rgb)*vec3(o339862_0_2_f);
float o288383_0_clamp_false = (dot((o483667_0_clamp_false).rgb, vec3(1.0))/3.0)+(dot((o483667_0_clamp_false).rgb, vec3(1.0))/3.0);
float o288383_0_clamp_true = clamp(o288383_0_clamp_false, 0.0, 1.0);
float o288383_0_1_f = o288383_0_clamp_false;
vec4 o363960_0_1_rgba = o363960_gradient_gradient_fct(o288383_0_1_f,crosshair_color);

// Set color
COLOR = o363960_0_1_rgba;
canvas item, crosshair, godot4
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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