Bayer Dithering
An implementation of Bayer Dithering.
Works as Control Overlay with a ColorRect. There are no values to set here.
Look at Test_CRT.tscn in the Github to see how it works.
Shader code
// Based on:
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D SCREEN_TEXTURE : hint_screen_texture, repeat_disable, filter_nearest;
const mat4 bayerIndex = mat4(
vec4(00.0/16.0, 12.0/16.0, 03.0/16.0, 15.0/16.0),
vec4(08.0/16.0, 04.0/16.0, 11.0/16.0, 07.0/16.0),
vec4(02.0/16.0, 14.0/16.0, 01.0/16.0, 13.0/16.0),
vec4(10.0/16.0, 06.0/16.0, 09.0/16.0, 05.0/16.0));
void fragment() {
// sample the texture
vec2 iResolution = 1.0 / SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE;
vec2 uv = FRAGCOORD.xy/iResolution.xy;
vec4 col = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE,uv);
// gamma correction
col = vec4(pow(col.rgb,vec3(2.2)) - 0.004,col.a);
// find bayer matrix entry based on fragment position
float bayerValue = bayerIndex[int(FRAGCOORD.x) % 4][int(FRAGCOORD.y) % 4];
// output
COLOR = vec4(