Light shader
Godot’s Light2D has an annoying limit of 16, and while the official documentation recommends using Sprite2D with additive blending mode, it ends up not looking very good in a dark environment.
Here is a simple shader which was provided by HaruYou27!
No 16 limit, no performance issue, you can place as many lights as you want in a dark environment!
The final effect is as follows:
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
render_mode blend_add, unshaded;
// 2D light shader by HaruYou27.
uniform sampler2D SCREEN_TEXTURE : hint_screen_texture, repeat_disable, filter_nearest;
uniform float intensity = 10.0;
void fragment() {
// Sample the underlying screen color
vec3 under_color = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV).rgb;
// Make it brighter
vec3 final_color = under_color * COLOR.rgb * intensity;
// Don't forget the alpha value
COLOR = vec4(final_color, COLOR.a);
Cool, it works for me
How are you achieving the dark environment and what are you adding the light to? I was originally using a canvas modulate with point lights for my lava rivers, but that quickly became performance heavy.
I’ve added this shader to a sprite with a gradient, but that doesn’t work with the canvas modulate.
The canvas modulate does work, just can’t be completely dark so that the shader can properly sample the color of the sprites beneath the canvas modulate.
New issue though is how this interacts with point lights. It seems to increase the brightness quite a bit since it is essentially adding on top of the point light.
This is not a real light, so if the canvas is completely dark it won’t work, which is to be expected. If you find it’s too bright (the mode of this shader is Add), you can try adjusting the original texture or the parameters of this shader.
if it is too bright for you, just clamp the final color like so: