Mountain Background Shader.

Mountain Background Shader.

Shader code
	遠景山シェーダー by あるる(きのもと 結衣) @arlez80
	Background Mountain Shader by Yui Kinomoto

	MIT License

shader_type spatial;
render_mode unshaded, shadows_disabled;

uniform float mountain_distance = 2000.0;
uniform sampler2D mountain_texture : hint_albedo;
uniform sampler2D sand_texture : hint_albedo;
uniform sampler2D height_map : hint_black;
uniform float height = 11.0;
uniform vec4 aerial_perspective_color : hint_color = vec4( 0.1411764705882353, 0.41568627450980394, 0.6705882352941176, 1.0 );
uniform vec2 mountain_uv_scale = vec2( 25.0, 25.0 );
uniform vec2 sand_uv_scale = vec2( 100.0, 100.0 );

void vertex( )
	float r = atan( VERTEX.z, VERTEX.x );
	VERTEX.y = texture( height_map, UV ).r * height * length( UV - vec2( 0.5, 0.5 ) );
	NORMAL = vec3( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );

void fragment( )
	float dist = length( UV - vec2( 0.5, 0.5 ) );
	ALBEDO = mix(
			texture( mountain_texture, UV * mountain_uv_scale )
		,	texture( sand_texture, UV * sand_uv_scale )
		,	clamp( pow( texture( height_map, UV * 1.1 ).r * 1.4, 6.0 ), 0.0, 1.0 )
	,	aerial_perspective_color.rgb
	,	dist * 0.8
	DEPTH = clamp( 0.99999 + dist * 0.00001, 0.0, 1.0 );
background, mountain
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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3 years ago

Very nice shader!

What kind of mesh should you put it on? I put it on a subdivided plane mesh, but am wondering if that’s the intended way.

3 years ago

Can you provide the textures ?

10 months ago

I don’t know what I’m doing, but it doesn’t seemt to work in Godot 4.2.
I changed the values “hint_albedo” for “source_color” and “hint_black” for “hint_default_black”. That’s what I found in Godot’s official documentation.

It doesn’t throw any errors now, but there is no visible effect on the mesh. (I’m using a flat plane)

10 months ago

Ok, so for anyone who is having trouble with this:
1) First make sure to adapt the shader to Godot 4:
Change the values “hint_albedo” for “source_color” and “hint_black” for “hint_default_black”. 
2) Then create a QuadMesh, set its size to 1000 x 1000.
3) Subdivide its width and depth by 100. Make sure orientation is Face Y.
4) Then go to Geometry -> Material override -> New ShaderMaterial
5) Assign this shader. Set the Height to at least 50.
6) Assign whatever textures you want for the mountains and sand.
7) Create a New Noise texture and alter it however you want.